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Coffee Dates with Yiara and CUJAH: Conversation with Dr. Michelle S.A. McGeough

Date & time
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Michelle S.A. McGeough


This event is free.





Join Yiara Magazine and the Concordia Undergraduate Journal of Art History (CUJAH) for the first event of our speaker series! Dr. Michelle S.A. McGeough will be presenting her research on activating Indigenous knowledge and how contemporary Indigenous artists are pushing beyond queering the art historical canon. 

Yiara Magazine is a student-run, undergraduate feminist art publication. Based in Montreal, Yiara publishes an annual print issue of curated student writing and artwork, organizes a variety of workshops, discussions and lectures, and hosts an end-of-year vernissage and magazine launch.

CUJAH is a student-run association that aims to showcase the talents of Concordia University’s undergraduate Art History and Fine Arts students by means of an annual journal publication and conference event.

How can you participate? Register for the Zoom webinar.

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Dr. Michelle S.A. McGeough

Image shows Dr. Michelle McGeough

Michelle McGeough (Métis/Cree) completed her PhD in Indigenous art history at the University of New Mexico. Prior to returning to school for her advanced degree, she taught Museum Studies at the Institute of American Indian Art and was the Assistant curator at the Wheelwright Museum of the Native American Indian in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Dr. McGeough has a Master’s degree from Carleton University as well as a BFA from Emily Carr and an undergraduate degree from the Institute of American Indian Art. She also has a B.Ed. degree from the University of Alberta.

Dr. McGeough’s research interests have focused on the indigenous two-spirit identity. Presently she is working on a manuscript that examines Indigenous understandings of gender fluidity and the impact these notions have on artistic production. Other areas of her research include the application of Indigenous research methodologies and the incorporation of these ways of knowing into the development of curriculum and the curation of contemporary and historic Indigenous art. Currently, Dr. McGeough teaches Indigenous art histories in Concordia’s Art History department. She is also an independent curator and has curated exhibitions for the I.D.E.A. at Colorado College. Indigenous Art Center, in Ottawa and the Museum of Contemporary Native American Art in Santa Fe New, Mexico.

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