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Workshops & seminars

Creating an animated story - Créer une histoire animée

Date & time
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

This event is free.





Cet atelier porte sur des activités d'animation ludiques que les élèves, enseignants, parents, artistes et non-artistes peuvent réaliser à la maison. Les participants pourront explorer diverses techniques à l'aide d'outils technologiques, de dessin et montage photos pour créer un GIF et une animation en stop motion. Les activités seront suivies d'une discussion sur leur pratique pédagogique dans un contexte éducationnel et de recherche création.

This workshop will offer playful animation activities that students, teachers, parents, artists and non-artists can make at home. Participants will be able to explore various techniques using technological tools, drawing and photo montage to create a GIF and a stop-motion animation. The activities will be followed by a dialogue on its pedagogical practice in the context of teaching and research creation.

How can you participate? Register for the Zoom meeting.

Have questions? Send them to

Material needed: 

PhotoPEA (free software, no download),
- a good-quality image of an artwork. For references:
- pencil, eraser, paper, tape
- camera (phone or digital) mounted over your sheet of paper to take steady photos as you draw. This set up IS NOT necessary for the workshop.


Introduction (5 min.)


Step by step GIF animation using Photo PEA (25 min)

Step by step drawings, Stop motion animation (25 min)

Presentation of animation projects (10 min)

Discussion: (15 min.)

The practice of animation and its pedagogy

Questions: (10 min.)

Workshop Facilitators 

Isabelle Guillard is a PhD candidate in Art Education, a Public Scholar, and a high school art teacher with twenty years of teaching experiences. Her research interest focuses on the integration of eco-art in the school curriculum to promote environmental education through collaborative partnerships with artists.

Nancy Long is a second year PhD student in the Department of Art Education. She has taught Visual Arts and Media Studies at the high school level for over 20 years. Her research focuses on engaging high school art students to embrace the process along with the product, and to welcome mistakes in the art room as learning opportunities. Nancy is also interested in cross-curricular arts integration and pre-service teacher education.

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