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Workshops & seminars

Mapping Concordia's Sustainability Ecosystem

with Karine Balé

Date & time
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
3 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Registration is closed


This event is free.


J.W. McConnell Building
1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.

Accessible location


We are going through unprecedented challenges with climate change and technology changing the state of the world as we know it. Unfortunately, people still consider these challenges future problems instead of current concerns.

How do we shift the narrative and create a shared understanding of the situation's urgency? This is the question that Karine will attempt to answer through the system mapping experiment. Through this presentation, Karine will explain why it is essential for us to get a shared understanding of sustainability, and will introduce you to the world of system mapping.

How can you participate? Attend in person or online by registering for the Zoom Meeting or watching live on YouTube.

Have questions? Send them to  


Karine Balé

Karine is a 4th-year Economics student with a passion for sustainability. She was a member of the first cohort of Concordia’s sustainability ambassador program, during which she developed an interactive map of the sustainability initiatives at Concordia. Her project allowed her to win a SAF Sustainability Research Award and a CSU Sustainability Education Scholarship. Karine enjoys discovering new applications of systems theory and interactive design. When she’s not working on her various projects, Karine can be found rock climbing or hiking.


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