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Workshops & seminars

Math and Stats 1:01 Workshop

and Information Session

Date & time
Monday, October 17, 2022
3 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Registration is closed


This event is free.


J.W. McConnell Building
1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.

Accessible location


What is your favourite mathematical and/or statistical concept?

Join us for a creative workshop and learn how to make a 1 minute and 1 second long video answering that question. At this workshop, participants will get tips and tricks for communicating concepts in plain language, a list of resources, including royalty and copyright free audio, video, and video editing freeware, in addition to a live demonstration using these resources.

This is a pre-competition workshop for the upcoming Math & Stats 1:01 video competition. This competition encourages undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in a mathematics or statistics program at Concordia to create a 1-min-1-sec video describing or explaining their favourite concept using language aimed for a general audience. 

How can you participate? Join us in person or online by registering for the Zoom Meeting or watching live on YouTube.

Have questions? Send them to  

For contest information, visit the website.


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