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Workshops & seminars

Book Launch with Stephane Landry and OK Stamp Press

Date & time
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
4:45 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Registration is closed


This event is free.



J.W. McConnell Building
1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.

Accessible location


Join us for a meet and greet with OK Stamp Press and Stephane Landry, poet and author of Flailing Through the Light: A Collection of Poems. A crisp and vivid collection of over fifty poems, this is Stéphane Landry’s first volume of published works and OK Stamp Press’ first single-author collaboration. A Montréaler, based in Rosemont, Landry penned these poems during a period of transition in his life.

Offering glimpses of masculinity, love, anger, despair, and beauty, each poem—often penned in a small notebook whilst going about daily life—carefully considers its linguistic indexes and form on the page. Stephane an maya, co-director of OK Stamp Press will be available to discuss the publishing process, poetry, and book-making.

How can you participate? Join us in person or online by registering for the Zoom Meeting or watching live on YouTube.

Have questions? Send them to


Stéphane Landry is a former journalist and radio host. In addition to writing poetry, he also works as an educator in labour protocols, gets his fingers dusty digging for records, and drops crunchy music write-ups on Instagram as @plasticpalacepaerson. He joined OK Stamp Press in 2022 as their occasional French-language editor and proofreader.

maya rae oppenheimer (phd) is the founder and co-director of OK Stamp Press. She’s also a daughter, sister, aunt, plant-mother of Icelandic and Canary Islander descent who receives joy and financial remuneration as an arts writer/researcher/educator. She was born in Treaty 1 territory and spent over a decade living in London (UK). maya is now an uninvited guest on Kanien’kehá:ka territory where she preoccupies herself with writing as a social practice and the tangles of narratives that inform our worldviews. Experimental writing, performance, radical pedagogy, open-access publishing, DIY tactics and rogue archival gestures make up her tool-kit. maya joined the Faculty of Fine Arts at Concordia University in September 2017 as Assistant Professor in Art History and is now active in the Department of Studio Arts.

Organized by OK Stamp Press

When time, energy, funding and desires align, OK Stamp is also a mentoring structure, a collective for words, and an education.

It focuses on supporting emerging writers, editors, writers, printers and designers gain experience in publishing and disseminating their work. Each project is a series of relationships that shape the final outcome to suit the needs of those involved and their constituencies. OK Stamp accomplishes a dual task: generating publishing records that open-up funding opportunities for contributors; bringing considered cultural work into your hands via mutual aid.

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