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Workshops & seminars, Expositions

Perspectives on Sustainability: Research at Concordia

Date & time
Thursday, October 17, 2024
2 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Registration is closed


This event is free.


Office of Research, Office of Sustainability & Loyola Sustainability Research Centre


J.W. McConnell Building
1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.

Accessible location


This panel, hosted jointly by the Office of Sustainability, the Office of Research, and the Loyola Sustainability Research Centre, will spotlight sustainability research across Concordia’s four faculties and explore best practices and challenges related to sustainable research methodologies. Following the panel discussion, attendees are invited to tour the research poster presentations of graduate students at Concordia who are incorporating sustainability into their research projects!

How can you participate? Join us in person or online by registering for the Zoom Meeting or watching live on YouTube.

Have questions? Send them to

Sustainability and Accessibility 

This event has earned Gold Sustainable Event Certification.  

Please read and abide by our Event Code of Conduct  

4th SPACE is committed to creating a welcoming, inclusive, and accessible experience for all staff, faculty, students, and visitors. Our commitment is realized through powerful cross-campus partnerships, and requires everyone to play a role in preventing, identifying, and removing barriers to accessibility in all aspects of university life.

The space includes the following features:

  • Wheelchair-accessible from the main floor of the LB building

  • Inclusive and accessible washrooms situated within 1 minute on the same floor of the building 

  • The closest wheel-chair accessible parking is located within the LB building and is accessible by elevator

  • Open to the public of all ages, including children


Govind Gopakumar

Govind Gopakumar is Chair and Associate Professor at the Centre for Engineering in Society. Govind Gopakumar received his PhD in Science and Technology Studies from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at 2008. His research centres on the socio-political aspects of urban infrastructure and the governance of infrastructure change. His most recent book on automobility in Indian cities titled Installing Automobility: Emerging Politics of Streets and Mobilities in Indian cities is published by MIT Press in their Urban and Industrial Environments Series. Another  research interest is on processes of change in engineering education in the context of intervening in development, globalization.  

Felice Yuen

Felice Yuen’s research focuses on leisure and its impact on the quality of life of individuals and the communities in which they live. More specifically, she is interested in leisure as a context for individual and community healing. Recent research projects include an SSHRC funded partnership development grant, which explores the healing and rehabilitation of Indigenous women in provincial prison. Her research, predominantly arts-based and community-based, has been done in collaboration with community-based organizations such as la Société de Elizabeth Fry du Québec (an organization supporting women who have experience with the criminal justice system) and Li-ber-T House (a women’s transition house).

Juan Ortiz Apuy

Juan Ortiz-Apuy is a Canadian-Costa Rican artist who has been living and working in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal since 2003. Ortiz-Apuy has a BFA from Concordia University (2008), a Post-Graduate Diploma from The Glasgow School of Art (2009), and an MFA from NSCAD University (2011).

His work has been exhibited across Canada and internationally in venues such as Les Abattoirs Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (France), IKEA Museum (Sweden), Pamflett (Norway), DHC/ART Fondation Phi pour l’art contemporain (Montreal), Owens Art Gallery (Sackville), Carleton University Art Gallery (Ottawa), MOMENTA Biennale de l’image (Montreal), Quebec City Biennial: Manif d'art 7 (Québec), Truck Contemporary Art (Calgary), Museum London (London), Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography (Toronto), VOX Centre de l’image Contemporaine (Montreal), and The MacLaren Arts Centre (Barrie). His work has been awarded numerous grants from the Canada Council for the Arts and Le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, and has been reviewed in various publications such as Canadian Art, MOMUS, esse arts opinions, The Gazette (Montreal), Le Devoir (Montreal), and Public Parking.

Ortiz-Apuy has completed several artist-in-residence programs, most notably at The Vermont Studio Center (USA), The Frans Masereel Centre (Belgium), and the Guldagergaard International Ceramic Research Center (Denmark).

Shannon Lloyd

Shannon Lloyd is an associate professor in the John Molson School of Business and a member of the Loyola Sustainability Research Centre at Concordia University. She began her career in operations and product development, and then transitioned to an applied research and consulting role. During this time, she developed methods for assessing the life cycle environmental performance of products, processes, and organizations. Dr. Lloyd’s research focuses on:

Studying the (mis)alignment of corporate environmental performance with collective environmental goals, such as the Paris Agreement temperature goal; Assessing the potential environmental impact of emerging technologies and practices, with a particular focus on sustainable aviation; and integrating the work environment(worker health and safety) into environmental life cycle assessment.

Jim Grant (moderator)

This event is part of Campus Sustainability Month at Concordia, a month-long series of sustainability events and activities.

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