After the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, many U.S. states enacted abortion bans. This changed legal landscape exposes crucial ethical questions about pregnancy in childhood. What do parents, judges, and physicians owe to an impregnated child as a matter of duty and rights?
This lecture by Dr. Kimberley Brownlee analyses a previously unnamed type of social injustice – girlism – to make sense of the kinds of mistreatment girls endure in the context of pregnancy and abortion, where their status as girls is obscured under this ‘women’s issue’. This lecture will highlight an analogy between pregnancy in childhood and child organ donation, to show that adequate care for impregnated children includes abortion care.
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Kimberley Brownlee holds the Canada Research Chair in Ethics and Political & Social Philosophy at the University of British Columbia. Her current work focuses on loneliness, belonging, social human rights, and freedom of association.