In the face of the uncertainties of our current moment, both locally and globally, who are we in relation to it - socially, spatially, and molecular?
A Virtual Symposium in Three Parts: April 20, May 13, and Jun 14, 2021
The Expanded Dialogues Symposium itself will take place over three days, from mid-April to mid-June, with one Dialogue event per month. The dialogues themselves will be both expanded and expanding: By ‘expanded’, they aim to be events which go beyond the usual disciplinary confines; by ‘expanding’, they will follow a model which progressively broadens itself, bringing more people into the discussion as the each event unfolds.
In order to replicate a more spontaneous exchange of ideas online than may usually occur during an online lecture or webinar, the format will take the form of an expanded and expanding round table discussion: a small number of core participants (four) invited from different faculties will hold a dialogue on one of the core themes mentioned above; after circa 20 minutes, the dialogue will be expanded to wider group of participants (selected from a call for participation, see below) for another 20 minutes; lastly, the dialogue will be expanded further and opened up to the audience.
Fractured Communication, Fragmented Society, part two of the symposium, will explore questions such as: how can we handle the difficulties to communicate across groups, especially considering the barriers to communication for some identities (Black, Indigenous, people of colour, LGBTQ+)?
The symposium invites researchers - faculty, post-docs, and graduate students - from different disciplines across Concordia and audiences from beyond to participate in a discussion on the uncertainties of Space and Environment, Social and Communication, and Human and the Molecular.
How can you participate? Register for the Zoom webinar.
Marlene Oeffinger is a Ph.D. candidate in English at Concordia University and a coordinator at the Center for Expanded Poetics, where her research focuses on the meditation between physical and metaphysical theories of subjectivity towards an allostatic idea of self. She also holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the University of Edinburgh, UK, and her scientific research centers on the relationship of form and function in the plasticity of macromolecular complexes.
Fintan Neylan is a Research Intern at the Centre for Expanded Poetics at Concordia University and completing a PhD. in Philosophy at Memorial University, Newfoundland. His research focuses on Gilles Deleuze's the critique of representation.