Join us for a panel discussion that will address empathy and point-of-view in current social and environmental issues.
Romeo Gongora (UQAM) will present his collaborative AR project, a reconstruction of a social club that Guatemalan immigrants ran in Montreal, built from extensive interviews and archival documents, Philippe-Aubert Gauthier will present his 3D spatialized sound works, Michèle Magema will present on the manipulation of colonial archives via a digital device, and Alexandre Castonguay will talk about his research that re-purposes party technologies, to offer participatory and collective methodologies for co-creation.
Paul Landon (UQAM) and Valérie Kolakis will present their latest research and exploration of gardens with augmented reality applications to reveal structures and address issues of housing, migration, urban planning and the environment.
How can you participate? Join us in person or online by registering for the Zoom Meeting or watching live on YouTube.