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Making Opaque Institutions Answer to Marginalized Users

Date & time
Thursday, July 18, 2024
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.

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J.W. McConnell Building
1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
SHIFT Centre for Social Transformation

Wheel chair accessible


Join us at the SHIFT Centre for a presentation from the Trans Patient Union (TPU)! Presented by SHIFT and CURE Concordia, Jacob from the TPU will give a presentation on the benefits of their community integration approach, and how other organizations can utilize this approach in their own work. In their interview process, the TPU goes to great lengths to integrate patients as members in the union's broader work rather than simply as research subjects. They've been successful at getting their community directly involved in working on and leading projects, something that can be a challenge even in community work.

We'll hear about why they frame their work as patient unionization, the results and successes they've seen, with an eye towards what other organizers can learn from this. Afterwards, Alexandra Heggie from CURE will lead a guided discussion and answer questions on the topic.

We look forward to seeing you!

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