Red Cedar Research LLC is an international hedge fund with offices in several countries. The company has recently opened an office in Canada, and is looking for recent graduates interested in a career in quantitative finance.
Learn more about the career of quantitative researchers!
Target Students: Students in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Quantitaive Finance at the Bachelor's, Master's and PhD levels.
--> Specific call-out to students with good programming skills in Python.
During the presentation, students and alumni can learn about the hedge fund industry, what it takes to become a quant, and why this career may appeal to mathematicians, physicists, and other young professionals who specialize in sciences.
Recruitment for: Junior quants, quants, senior quants - Full-time positions as Quantitative Researchers. You can find these vacancies at
Red Cedar starts hiring at the B.Sc. level, and there is no specific work experience needed.
Speaker: Alexander Chernyy, CEO of Red Cedar LLC.
There will be a Q&A at the end of the presentation.