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Workshops & seminars

Getting your expertise used, part 1: The phases of project management - Online

Held in collaboration with the Concordia Institute of Aerospace Design and Innovation (CIADI)

Date & time
Friday, January 27, 2023
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Registration is closed

Other dates

Thursday, February 2, 2023


This event is free.




Most of us will be hired for our expertise and will be expected to influence outcomes in our organizations – even if we aren’t the boss. How do we use our expertise and influence teams, systems, and organizations, when the only leverage we have is our good ideas? In this session, you will learn about and practice the phases of effective project management. By defining the role of the project manager and learning the phases of project management, you will be well-prepared to say “yes” to new projects with the confidence that your expertise will be well put to use. 

Facilitator: Megan Webster, B.A.H., B.Ed, M.A., and PhD 

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