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Info sessions & orientation

Course registration: How to use the system

Date & time
Wednesday, April 23, 2025
10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Register now

514-848-2424, ext. 7369



Having trouble navigating the course registration system? The Welcome Crew Mentors have you covered! This session will explain the basics of using the online Student Hub and Student Centre to add courses to your schedule. The Mentors will also show you how to drop and swap courses all while getting helpful tips on registration best practices.

Please note: Mentors are not authorized to advise you on which courses to take for your program. Please consult the Undergraduate or the Graduate Calendars and your academic advisor for that information.

Which event is for me?

  • Course registration: How to use the system: watch a presentation giving you a comprehensive overview of how to register using the class search feature or the visual schedule builder.
  • Register with me!: follow along as student mentors lead you through the registration process step-by-step, then ask any questions about your personal situation in breakout rooms.

If you plan on attending both, we recommend Course Registration: How to use the system first. This might give you all the info you need to build your schedule!

Can't make it? There are more dates to choose from.

This event is part of:

Course registration: How to use the system

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