Études françaises reveals new graduate certificate program

Looking to hone your teaching skills in French? A new graduate certificate offering from the Département d’études françaises will help you do just that.
Observational and hands-on learning approaches are key elements of the new graduate certificate in Didactique et linguistique pour l’enseignement du français langue seconde (FLS).
Offering an accelerated program to students who already possess strong French skills, the certificate will be offered yearly as of September 2018.
“Through language teaching and applied linguistics study, students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge, with an immediate integration into authentic teaching and learning settings,” says Diane Querrien, director of this new program.
Unsure of your French ability? No worries – the department offers a free test to determine your level of proficiency.
The two-term, 15-credit certificate is composed of five courses, spanning two semesters. Topics include linguistic learning theory, current issues in French linguistics, building a classroom curriculum, and in-course observations.
“Students will have to reflect individually and collaboratively on what they observe,” Querrien says. “From what we know, other graduate certificate programs in Montreal and in Quebec in the same field don’t offer such an on-site opportunity."
Students will also discover the Active Learning Classroom and its benefits for language pedagogy. Alongside experienced professors, students can learn how to design courses using the latest education technologies.
The program will be of interest to students with a bachelor’s degree in language studies or education, adds Querrien. It will be an asset to those who already have a teaching degree, or are interested in pursuing graduate studies in teaching French.
The program is also useful to students coming from the U.S. or other foreign countries who are interested in returning to their native country and teaching French.
“We hope students will be attracted to our new graduate program,” Querrien says. “In a few years, we would like to launch an MA program in this field.”
Learn more about the graduate certificate program.