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CISSC Diversity Research Travel Subsidies


The Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture aims to promote breaking research in ethnicity and/or social diversity. Four (4) research travel subsidies of up to $1500 apiece will be distributed each year over the next three years, beginning in 2016.

“Ethnicity and/or social diversity” is interpreted broadly to include research on a variety of related themes and sub-themes such as post-coloniality, nationalisms, genocide, race and racism, ethnic and inter-ethnic relations, intercultural communications, education and social diversity, immigration and migration, public policies pertaining to ethnicity and social diversity, religion and social diversity, intersectional studies of gender and sexuality, and dis/ability.

Eligibility and Requirements

All full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty members are eligible to apply.

The subsidies are keyed to the initiation of research rather than the dissemination of research. (They cannot be used for conference travel.)  It should also be noted that the subsidies are intended to support exploratory research rather than supplementary research.

In an Introductory paragraph, applicants are required to state their destination (such as an archive, an exhibition or a visit with a particular person or persons) and to discuss the relevance of the proposed research to the advancement of knowledge in the area of ethnicity and/or social diversity (as defined above).

In a Justificatory paragraph, applicants are required to show how the proposed research represents a new departure for them, or a new branch of an existing program of research.  Applicants must also provide a sketch of how they see the proposed research forming the basis of future grant applications, publications, and/or exhibitions.

The research travel must take place within the same calendar year that the subsidy is granted (i.e. February-December). In December of each year, successful applicants will be invited to present their research at an informal gathering organized by the CISSC Director.  Six (6) months after the research travel is completed, successful applicants will be required to file a report detailing outcomes.


A complete application consists of an introductory paragraph (ca. 250 words), a justificatory paragraph (ca. 250 words), and a copy of the applicant’s CV (Canadian Common, SSHRC, CIHR, or homespun but not to exceed 10 pages). The application form is attached and is also available on the CISSC website.  

Download our application form 


The deadline for applications is 15 January 2016. All application materials should be submitted electronically to

Review and Results

Applications will be reviewed by the CISSC Steering Committee and results will be announced by 30 January 2016. Evaluation criteria will include stage of career, track record, originality and interest of the proposed research, projected outcomes.

Allowable Expenses

Allowable expenses will include: airfare, hotel, local transportation, meals, and admission fees. Please note that travel arrangements are not coordinated by CISSC.

We would be happy to answer any questions you might have about the application process and look forward to receiving your proposal by January 15.


David Howes
Director, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec  Canada  H3G 1M8
514 848-2424 ext. 2852

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