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Gender and Genocide: Perspectives from the fields of Oral History, Gender Studies, and History

August 17, 2015

Assistant Professor Hourig Attarian participated in a panel discussion organized by the American University of Armenia this past August 12, in Yerevan, Armenia with two other scholars, Lerna Ekmekcioglu (McMillan-Stewart Associate Professor of History and Women and Gender Studies at M.I.T.) and Melissa Bilal, professors of History at Bogaziçi University in Istanbul. Dr. Attarian, member of Concordia's internationally renowned Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling spoke about how we can look critically at inherited family narratives, with their fractured memories and silences by way of an autobiographical arts-based inquiry of how the "storied lives and lived lives" intertwine and following the trajectory of her great aunt Anush who was kidnapped during the genocide.

read more here: American University of Armenia News

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