The Department of Journalism is proud to announce its 3rd Science Journalism Summer School, Projected Futures 3, running from August 5 to 9, 2019.
Projected Futures 3 is a unique, blended course that occurs both online and in person. It is an unforgettable experience.
The intensive and experiential summer school challenges participants to rethink how science is communicated with society. Graduate students will be exposed to the foundations of evidence-based science journalism and then asked to experiment to create new forms of scientific storytelling. This year's school will focus on health issues.
Applications are now open. Deadline: March 15, 2019.
Apply at:
Information on Projected Futures 2:
What is Projected Futures?
#ProjectedFutures2: My science journalism experience
@this_is_brit reflects on Projected Futures 2
Shaping Next Generation Science Reporting
Information on Projected Futures 1: