CSLP 2021 Speaker Series - Upcoming Talk with Ashley Taylor

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In collaboration with McGill University, Concordia CSLP's 2021 Speaker Series, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Learning, continues this week with our third speaker.
Ashley Taylor, Assistant Professor of Educational Studies at Colgate University, will present The Moral Significance of Epistemic Agency: Intellectual Disability and Communities of Knowers.
When: March 17, 2021, from 3:30 – 4:45 PM EDT

En collaboration avec l’Université McGill, la série de conférences 2021 du CEAP Concordia, Perspectives interdisciplinaires sur l’apprentissage, continue cette semaine avec notre troisième conférencière.
Ashley Taylor, Professeure adjointe en Études éducationnelles de l'Université Colgate, présentera The Moral Significance of Epistemic Agency: Intellectual Disability and Communities of Knowers.
Quand : le 17 mars 2021 de 15 h 30 – 14 h 45 (HAE)