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Vivek Venkatesh Participates in NexGen Poetry Meet

On September 30, 2023, Vivek Venkatesh was part of a “Fighting Racism and Discrimination with Verses” panel at the NexGen Poetry Meet held at the Atwater Library. 

Photo of panel at the NextGen Poetry Meet “Fighting Racism and Discrimination with Verses” panel

The panel also included Ehab Lotayef, an IT manager, poet and activist of Egyptian ancestry, who has published a bilingual poetry collection, To Love a Palestinian Woman. Rounding out the panel was Sven Telemaque, an entrepreneur, author, and prison reform advocate who co-founded the poetry collective L’art Selah.

Photo of the audience at the NexGen Poetry Meet A good audience showed up to listen to the poets and speakers

The meet was designed to witness multilingual and multicultural poetry, shining a spotlight on young talent and including readings by both established and emerging poets.

Vivek Venkatesh (black & white) Vivek Venkatesh s'exprime à NextGen

Vivek Venkatesh participe au NexGen Poetry Meet

Le 30 septembre 2023, Vivek Venkatesh a participé à la table ronde "Fighting Racism and Discrimination with Verses" (Lutter contre le racisme et la discrimination avec des vers) lors du NexGen Poetry Meet qui s'est tenu à la bibliothèque Atwater. Ehab Lotayef, responsable informatique, poète et militant d'origine égyptienne, qui a publié un recueil de poèmes bilingue intitulé To Love a Palestinian Woman, faisait également partie de la table ronde. Enfin, Sven Telemaque, entrepreneur, auteur et défenseur de la réforme des prisons, a cofondé le collectif de poésie L'art Selah.

La rencontre a été conçue pour témoigner de la poésie multilingue et multiculturelle, en mettant en lumière les jeunes talents et en proposant des lectures par des poètes confirmés et émergents.

Poster from the NexGen Poetry Meet

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