As in previous years, the College awarded three graduation awards this year: the LCDS Academic Achievement Award, the LCDS Global Citizenship Award, and the LCDS Student Engagement Award. The LCDS Academic Achievement Award recognizes academic excellence among our students. It is automatically awarded to the graduating student in either one of the Minor programs with the highest grade point average. The LCDS Global Citizenship Award recognizes the outstanding volunteer work students in our Minor programs do outside of the classroom for international or global organizations. It is awarded to the graduating student who has demonstrated the greatest commitment to such organizations in their time at Concordia. The LCDS Student Engagement Award is an endowment made possible by a young LCDS alumnus who seeks to reward involvement by students in the Minor in Diversity and the Contemporary World or the Minor in Sustainability Studies at the LCDS. These awards allow the College to recognize the achievements of the students both in and out of the classroom.
This year, the awards went to students in both Minor programs. The Academic Achievement Award was given to Margaret Dubyk, who completed a Joint Specialization in Anthropology and Sociology and a Minor in Diversity and the Contemporary World. The Global Citizenship Award was given to Kathleen-Rosebelle Diaz (pictured left), who completed a Major in Human Relations and a Minor in Diversity and the Contemporary World, as well as volunteering for several global organizations dedicated to youth around the world. The Student Engagement Award was given to Kailin Dee Mailly, who completed a Major in Human Environment and a Minor in Sustainability Studies and was very active as a member of the Executive of the Sustainability and Diversity Students Association (formerly known as the Loyola College Students Association). Congratulations to the award winners!