The Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies, under the umbrella of the DMAP Lab, has launched a new series of Google+ HangOut interviews with prominent experts in the field of peace, conflict, security, and terrorism.
All the interviews are available to watch on the DMAP Lab's Youtube channel.
- "Education in War: The Potential for Safe School" Panelists: Zama Coursen-Neff (Human Rights Watch), Diya Nijhowne (GCPEA), Brenda Haiplik (Senior Education Advisor- Emergencies, UNICEF, New York)
- "Burundi: Casting and Conquering Ballots" Panelists: Thierry Vircoulon (Crisis Group), Katrin Wittig (Fondation trudeau) and Marie-Claude Dupont (Journalist, Radio-Canada)
- "#WeAreRohingya?" Panelist: Sarnata Reynolds (Refugee International)
- "Understanding ISIS: Myths and Realities" Panelist: Max Abrahams (Northeastern University Professor, Council on Foreign Relations, Center for Cyber and Homeland Security)
- "Eritrea: The Rule of Fear" Panelist: Jeffrey Smith (Advocacy Officer with RFK Parners for Human Rights, RFK Center for Human Rights)