Call for Applications: John Lemieux Student Fellowship Program 2022/2023
The Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS) at Concordia University invites applications for its John Lemieux Student Fellowship Program for the 2022/2023 academic year. The program offers an opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students at Concordia University to gain an experiential learning experience and develop practical skills in the field of human rights.
The Student Fellowship program is designed for individuals at Concordia University who are committed to the promotion and protection of human rights, in particular in the fields of mass atrocity prevention, human security, peacebuilding and emerging technologies. It provides Fellows with the opportunity to learn about and deepen their understanding of human rights, strengthen skills in developing project proposals and organizing events, gain first-hand exposure to human rights mechanisms, and to meet with a wide-range of stakeholders in Montreal, Canada and internationally.
The Student Fellows will be expected to contribute to MIGS’ mandate. MIGS is looking to receive student applications for the following 3 Fellowships opportunities:
1. Principles for Peace Fellowship
2. Hate Speech and Emerging Tech Fellowship
3. Digital Authoritarianism Fellowship
See here to find out more the Fellowships, including remuneration, length of program, requirement and qualifications. The deadline to apply is October 1.