MIGS media coverage - April 2016
April 21, 2016
Marie Lamensch - Huffington Post Quebec "Allégations de génocide commis par l'EI: que fait le Canada?"
April 20, 2016
MIGS’ fellow Michael Petrou - OpenCanada.org “With Canada watching, a plague returns in Syria”.
April 20, 2016
The Hill Times publicized the special hearing on Canada’s role in GAAMAC, organized by MIGS and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Prevention of Genocide and other Crimes Against Humanity in Ottawa.
April 17, 2016
Kyle Matthews was quoted in several news outlets on his support to Heidi Berger’s initiative to introduce compulsory genocide education for high-school students.
- Une Québécoise réclame une formation sur le génocide dans les écoles- La Presse.
- Group wants better education about genocide for Canadian high-school students- Ottawa Metro News.
- High-school students need to learn more about Holocaust to dissuade teens from joining ISIL, group says – National Post, Canada News.
April 15, 2016
In an interview on CTV News, Kyle Mathews discussed Canada’s sale of armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia.
April 14-15, 2016
Marie Lamensch gave a series of interviews on women, radicalization and violent extremism
- Femmes djihadistes : 1 djihadiste sur 5 est une femme - Radio Canada Toronto, interview with Line Boily
- Les femmes jouent un rôle-clé dans le recrutement du groupe État islamique - (98.5FM) with Benoit Dutrizac
- Les femmes attirées par l'appel du djihad - Radio Canada Québec
April 14, 2016
Marie Lamensch and Kyle Matthews spoke to Le Devoir about women and the Islamic State, « Les femmes, ces machines à fabriquer des djihadistes ». RCI.net (Radio-Canada) covered the story in Spanish
April 13, 2016
Frank Chalk quoted in La Presse article “Les enfants kamikazes, nouvelle arme de Boko Haram”
April 13, 2016
Frank Chalk was mentioned in The Concordian on the Armenian Genocide.
April 7, 2016
Kyle Matthews was quoted in TheWhig’s opinion column “Canada shows its indifference”
March 29, 2016
MIGS’ Kyle Matthews spoke to Lynn Desjardins (Radio Canada International) about ISIS’s use of the internet as a weapon of war.