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September 30 - October 5, 2014

Weekly Media Monitoring report for the Côte d'Ivoire
Posted on October 7, 2014


Compiled by Philippe Dumais

  1. Muslims called to celebrate peacefully
  2. Independent electoral commission
  3. Blé Goudé at the ICC
Muslims to celebrate peacefully

“A Aghien: L’imam a invité les fidèles à célébrer l’Aïd-el-Kebir dans “l’amour et la cohésion”. Fraternité Matin, In French.

  • Urged the muslim community from around the world to a Muslim revival
  • “The real meaning of like is our sacrifice to God”.
  • He also emphasized the right to life.
Independent electoral commission

“Youssouf Bakayoko: la CEI s’emploiera à organiser les futures élections selon les standards internationaux” Le Patriote. In French.

  • Challenge of electoral lists
  • Conflict prevention
  • He invited all participants to support the IEC.

“Pourquoi le parti de Gbagbo refuse de siéger” Le patriote. In French

  • Editorial denouncing the IPF’s decision to withdraw from the IEC.
  • IPF accused to be against democracy at the first place.
  • IPF accused of “mauvaise foi” 
Blé Goudé at the ICC

“Goudé fait de graves révélations: moi j’ai les preuves…” Soir info. In French.

  • Entire transcript available. 
  • Denies all allegations against Gbagbo and attacks Ouattara
  • Claims he never armed specific groups
  • Denies the existence of a common plan to respond the political crisis at the time.
  • Claims he did everything in his power to prevent the violence.
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