September 30 - October 5, 2014
Weekly Media Monitoring report for the Côte d'Ivoire
Posted on October 7, 2014
Compiled by Philippe Dumais
- Muslims called to celebrate peacefully
- Independent electoral commission
- Blé Goudé at the ICC
Muslims to celebrate peacefully
“A Aghien: L’imam a invité les fidèles à célébrer l’Aïd-el-Kebir dans “l’amour et la cohésion”. Fraternité Matin, In French.
- Urged the muslim community from around the world to a Muslim revival
- “The real meaning of like is our sacrifice to God”.
- He also emphasized the right to life.
Independent electoral commission
“Youssouf Bakayoko: la CEI s’emploiera à organiser les futures élections selon les standards internationaux” Le Patriote. In French.
- Challenge of electoral lists
- Conflict prevention
- He invited all participants to support the IEC.
“Pourquoi le parti de Gbagbo refuse de siéger” Le patriote. In French
- Editorial denouncing the IPF’s decision to withdraw from the IEC.
- IPF accused to be against democracy at the first place.
- IPF accused of “mauvaise foi”
Blé Goudé at the ICC
“Goudé fait de graves révélations: moi j’ai les preuves…” Soir info. In French.
- Entire transcript available.
- Denies all allegations against Gbagbo and attacks Ouattara
- Claims he never armed specific groups
- Denies the existence of a common plan to respond the political crisis at the time.
- Claims he did everything in his power to prevent the violence.