Mar 1-11, 2015
Compiled by Marie Lamensch
Global Security Situation
State-owned media
(Agence CongolaisePresse, government-owned news agency, article dated 3 March 2015, in French)
La situation globale de la République Démocratique du Congo jugée stable par le Premier ministre Matata Ponyo
- The situation in the DRC in 2014 was globally stable on the political, diplomatic, security and socio-economic front, according the Prime Minister. The government is doing its best to keep it that way.
- Augustin Matata Ponyo believes that the FARDC is growing in strength and professionalism, and argues that this is the result of the policy of sanctions established in the army.
MONUSCO’s future
State-owned media
(Agence CongolaisePresse, government-owned news agency, article dated 11 March 2015, in French)
RDC/MONUSCO : Martin Kobler à New York pour discuter de la réduction des effectifs de la Force de la MONUSCO
- The UNSG Special representative in the DRC will discuss troop reduction with the members of the Security Council. Monusco may soon be reduced to 2000 men. Kobler told the press that the UN mission costs 1,4 billion USD a year.
- The UN Security Council will also discuss the Rapid Intervention Brigade, DDR, and Monusco’s participation in military operations against the FDLR.
- The Congolese government and Monusco disagree over the reduction of troops and over operations against the FDLR. Kobler believes confidence will be restored and says Monusco will be more transparent.
FARDC offensive against the FDLR
State-owned media
(Agence CongolaisePresse, government-owned news agency, article dated 11 March 2015, in French)
Plus de 150 éléments FDLR neutralisés par les FARDC au Nord et au SudKivu
- 150 FDLR elements have been neutralized in North and South Kivu, according to the FARDC/ The army has consolidated its positions in Mont Tchaï and “cleaned up” Kwitabe, Rwindi, Nyanzale, Kanyabayonga and Kisimba.
- There are also military operations against the ADF in Beni.
- A communiqué states that military offensives against the FDLR are conducted by the army alone and underlines the professionalism of the army and its respect for human rights and humanitarian law.
- Monusco’s spokesperson stated that the fact that FDLR militants are on the run is a proof that the FARDC is exerting pressure on them. Monusco still wishes to participate to military operations.
(Agence CongolaisePresse, government-owned news agency, article dated 4 March 2015, in French)
Soixante-sept enfants soldats séparés des groupes armés par la MONUSCO
- In the past two weeks, 67 children linked to armed groups have been separated from them in North and South Kivu, Katanga and Orientale Province, according to Monusco’s Antoine-Charles Bambara.
- He affirmed that the UN mission has established a special Taskforce responsible for the protection of children during military operations against the FDLR. There has also been an awareness campaign on the radio, calling on armed groups to free child soldiers. “They are children, not soldiers”, said Bambara.
(Agence CongolaisePresse, government-owned news agency, article dated 2 March 2015, in French)
Traque des FDLR au Nord-Kivu: Le ministre Lambert Mende salue le professionnalisme des FARDC
- The FRDC is behaving itself professional since the launch of military operation against the FDLR on 27 January.
- Government spokesperson Lambert Mende Omalanga announced that no collateral damages have been reported, which is a proof of the army’s strength and its respect for human rights. “Our country has come a long way” he said.
- In all 98 FDLR militants have been neutralized and sanctions will be taken against them. Several localities in North Kivu are now under the control of the FARDC.
Independent/Private media
(L’Observateur, independent/privately-owned newspaper,article dated 12 March 2015, in French)
Traque des FDLR et autres forces négatives : Les FARDC marquent des points sur les différents fronts
- According to the Congolese army, the FARDC has had successes against the FDLR and consolidated its positions in Mugogo, Kalage, MutahoKalage, Kamumiro, Murara and Mount Tchai. In South Kivu, operations in localities of Uvira and Walungu were also successful.
- The army has neutralized 150 FDLR militants.
Continued: Tensions between Congolese government and MONUSCO
State-owned media
(Agence CongolaisePresse, government-owned news agency, article dated 11 March 2015, in French)
Le gouvernement et la MONUSCO entretiennent une coopération étroite dans la traque des forces négatives, affirme Martin Kobler
- Martin Kobler and Minister for Foreign Affairs Raymond Tshibanda affirmed that Monusco and the government of the DRC continue to collaborate to neutralize armed groups in the eastern DRC, especially the ADF-Nalu.
- They remained discreet about questions related to human rights.
Addis Ababa Accords/Framework Agreement
State-owned media
(Agence CongolaisePresse, government-owned news agency, article dated 4 March 2015, in French)
Journée commémorative de l’an II de l’Accord-cadre d’Addis-Abeba
- The coordinator of the Monitoring Mechanism of the Framework Agreement (MNS) commemorated the second anniversary of the Accords under the title “Consolidating peace and stability for economic development in the Great lakes Region.” François Muamba Tshishimbi stated that the DRC remains committed to its engagements and never ceased doing so. The country has made progress especially in terms of the security sectors, decentralization and consolidation of state authority. The coordinator enumerated several challenges including reconciliation, tolerance and democratization.
- Another MNS representative, Denis Kalume Numbi, claimed that several signatories have tried to torpedo the Framework Agreement. He admitted that the agreement is political but the aim is to improve development, reconstruction of the DRC, and regional cohesion.
- The civil society representative affirmed that the ultimate aim if the Framework Agreement is long-term peace, stability, development and regional cooperation.
Terrorists in Beni?
Independent/Private media
(L’Observateur, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 2 March 2015, in French)
La RDC, repaire des terroristes ? Des djihadistes se cacheraient à Beni
- Belgian intelligence agents will visit North Kivu to look for jihadist terrorist suspected of hiding within the ADF in Beni. The agents will train Congolese analysts responsible to investigating the allegations. The allegations first appeared in a Belgian tabloid.
- The ADF has already killed more than 200 people and is particularly violent and cruel.
- The second objective of the training is to create a collaboration with the Congolese intelligence services on his matter and to “strengthen the exchange of information”, according to the Belgian Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Western Africa in particular is “infested” by terrorist movements. Many observers started raising questions about the presence of jihadists in the DRC due to similarities between the militant group and other terrorist groups, including guerilla warfare, hostage taking, suicide attacks…
Inter-communal violence in Katanga continues
Independent/Private media
(L’Observateur, independent/privately-owned newspaper,article dated 5 March 2015, in French)
Persistence de tension intercommunautaire dans le Katanga : Représailles des luba en réponse aux attaques des miliciens pygmées
- The Luba and pygmy communities have not yet made peace in Northern Katanga and continue to kill one another. The Luba militia reacted to an attack by a pygmy Mai Mai group, killing 6 combatants.
- Monusco says the pygmy militia has conducted several attacks against the Luba. In its latest raid, the militants killed three civilians and set three villages on fire, which led to displacement. In another attack they killed 12 individuals, including the chief of Kinsunkulu village.
- The conflict between pygmy and bantu communities in Manono dates back to 2013.
- Several peace missions by the UN and the Congolese government have been already taken place but with no results. The chief of the UN Mission called for an end to the violence.
- According to NGOS, the security situation is more and more tensed in Nyunzu, and civilians are particularly affected.