25 September - 1 October 2015
Compiled by Caroline Johnpulle
- Elections
- Meeting with former M23 Combatants
- Call for cooperation between MONUSCO and the FARDC
- MONUSCO shaken by two cases of misconduct
1. Elections
State-owned media
(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 30 September 2015, in French)
La démission de Moïse Katumbi n’a rien d’étonnant, selon le ministre Lambert Mende Omalanga
- Moses Katumbi took to twitter his resignation from Joseph Kabila’s party the PPRD. This comes to no surprise by as stated by the Minister of Media, Lambert Mende Omalanga.
- The announcement came after the dissent of a group of political parties formed, called “G7”, which aims to prevent Kabila from succeeding a third term.
- Katumbi plans to runs in the upcoming presidential election, backed by the USA.
(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 1 October 2015, in French)
La Police Nationale Congolaise déterminée à sécuriser les élections selon les régles de l’art
- More than 300 officers from the National Congolese Police force will be trained for intervention and security by MONUSCO and the PNC for the upcoming presidential election.
Privately-owned media
(Le Potentiel, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 30 September 2015, in French)
RDC-Présidentielle 2016 : Freddy Matungulu rentre samedi 3 octobre 2015 à Kinshasa pour « annoncer sa candidature »
- Freddy Matungulu will be returning to the DRC to announce his candidacy in the presidential election of November 2016.
- He will be leading Congo Na Biso (CNB) party.
- The announcement takes places Kinshasa on October 3, 2015 at 11h00.
2. Meeting with former M23 Combatants
State-owned media
(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 25 September 2015, in French)
Le ministre de la Défense nationale rentre à Kinshasa au terme d’une Mission à Kigali
- The National defense minister, Aimé Ngoie Mukena returned to Kinshasa after participating in a bipartisan meeting on the repatriation of former combatants M23 in Kigali, Rwanda.
- Officers accompanied him from the FARDC and MONUSCO.
3. Call for cooperation between MONUSCO and the FARDC
State-owned media
(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 30 September 2015, in French)
Le commandant de la force de la MONUSCO pour la reprise de la coopération militaire avec les FARDC
- Commander of the UN force, General Jean Baillot expressed hope for military cooperation between MONUSCO and the FARDC to neutralize eastern DRC.
- Following the attack of FARDC positions in Kashebere, MONUSCO patrol intervention force had been deployed. There, APCLS opened fire on the MONUSCO and wounded a peacekeeper.
4. MONUSCO shaken by two cases of misconduct
Independent/Private media
(L’Observateur, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 30 September 2015, in French)
La Monusco secouée par deux affaires: Saisie d’armes et rapatriement de 50 Casques bleus sud-africains pour méconduite
- Seizure of weapons and drugs by Kenyan Police in a ship chartered by MONUSCO to the DRC. Vessel sported the Norwegian flag with cargo leaving India.
- Destination of cargo undetermined, however East Africa has become a transit hub for heroin bound for Europe.
- 50 South African peacekeepers working with MONUSCO in the DRC have been repatriated for disciplinary offence.
- They are accused of violating curfew by visiting bars frequented by prostitutes in Goma. In 2005, UN banned peacekeepers from having sex with residents due to allegations of sexual abuse.