2-8 October 2015
Compiled by Caroline Johnpulle
- Elections
- Increase in military intervention
- Protests in Refugee Camps by Burundian parents
- 2000 people flee the Central African Repubic for the DRCongo
- Ugandan ADF rebels in Beni
- Elections
State-owned media
(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 3 October 2015, in French) Début à Kinshasa de la campagne de vulgarisation de la décentralisation par des messages de sensibilisation par voie d’affiches
- The National outreach campaign for decentralization, began in Kinshasa with posters promoting awareness.
- Messages focused on decentralization as a pillar of good governance.
- The campaign receives financial support from the World Bank through the Project Recess governance Capacity (MDP).
(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 6 October 2015, in French) Marche de soutien au président Joseph Kabila à Inongo
- A march took place supporting current president Joseph Kabila by the Civil Society of Inongo.
- Support and appreciation is due to the head of states territorial division of May-ndombe provinces and its capital, Inongo.
2. Increase in military intervention
State-owned media
(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 2 October 2015, in French) La MONUSCO envisage le renforcement de son intervention militaire en RD Congo
- MONUSCO will increase military intervention capabilities in DRCongo.
- There will be increased interventions against assault.
3. Protests in Refugee Camps by Burundian parents
State-owned media
(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 6 October 2015, in French) Sud Kivu : Manifestation des réfugiés burundais du camp de Lusenda
- Burundian refugees in the Lusenda Camp in Fizi violently protested against the inclusion of their children with those of Congolese for the following school year.
- Police who fired shots in the air were arrested by MONUSCO.
4. Protests in Refugee Camps by Burundian parents
State-owned media
(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 6 October 2015, in French) Sud Kivu : Manifestation des réfugiés burundais du camp de Lusenda
- Burundian refugees in the Lusenda Camp in Fizi violently protested against the inclusion of their children with those of Congolese for the following school year.
- Police who fired shots in the air were arrested by MONUSCO.
5. 2000 people flee the Republic of Central Africa for the DRCongo
State-owned media
(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 7 October 2015, in French) Fuite de plus de 2000 personnes de la RCA en RDC
- Over 2000 people flee the Central African Republic for the DRC over the past week.
- The refugees consisted of mostly women and children and were recorded in the town of Zongo.
- They will most likely be relocated to refugee camps in Mole.
- Refugees fled to escape fighting between rebels and Seleka Anti-Balaka militants.
- The total number of CAR refugees in the DRC now greatly exceeds over 100,000 people.
6. Ugandan ADF rebels in Beni
Independent/Private media
(L’Observateur, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 8 October 2015, in French) Pendant trois jours : Les FARDC ont traqué les rebelles ougandais des ADF à Béni
- For 3 days, the FARDC hunted Ugandan ADF rebels in Beni, North Kivu.
- Last July, a clash between the two parties resulted in the use of heavy weapons in Mutata.
- Military operations are in continuation.