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16-23 October 2015

Weekly Media Monitoring report for The Democratic Republic of Congo
Posted on October 26, 2015

Compiled by Caroline Johnpulle

  1. US Secretary of State Sarah Sewall visits the DRCongo
  2. Financial aid from the EU towards the reintegration of ex-combatants
  3. ACP journalist mistreated by the police
  4. Union of young African lawyers discuss legislation to combat terrorism 
1. US Secretary of State Sarah Sewall visits the DRCongo
Independent/Private media

(L’Observateur, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 21 October 2015, in French) Au cours de sa conférence de presse au CEPAS, La Sous-secrétaire d’Etat Sarah Sewall réaffirme l’engagement des Etats-Unis aux côté de la RDC

  • US Secretary of State Sarah Sewall visited the DRC on October 20, 2015.
  • She gave a speech at the Centre for the Social Action (CEPAS), in which she stressed the US commitment with the DRC to promote democracy, civil security and human rights.
  • Especially prior to the 2016 Federal elections in the DRC. 
2. Financial aid from the EU towards the reintegration of ex-combatants
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 20 October 2015, in French) 5.000.000 USD pour la réinsertion des ex-combattants

  • The European Union has given $5 Million to the Congolese government for the reintegration of ex-combatants operations.
  • The money will go towards bases Kamina and Kitona.


3. ACP journalist mistreated by the police
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 22 October 2015, in French) Un journaliste de l’ACP en reportage maltraité par des policiers

  • A trainee journalist of the Congolese News Agency was covering an eviction operation in Kasavubu was brutally beaten and handcuffed by police.
  • Women were protesting an eviction operation of market gardening on the site on an ancient cemetery.


4. Union of young African lawyers discuss legislation to combat terrorism 
Independent/Private media

(L’Observateur, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 22 October 2015, in French) Réunis en congrès à Kinshasa : Les jeunes avocats d’Afrique réfléchissent contre le terrorisme

  • The Union of young lawyers in Africa sat in Parliament in Kinasha for a two day event to discuss terrorism in Africa.
  • They are working towards adopting legislation to combat terrorism through existing legal provisions, especially with regard to money laundering.
  • Deputy Minister of Justice, Christophe Mboso Kodia Puanga, attended the event.



5. 2000 people flee the Republic of Central Africa for the DRCongo
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 7 October 2015, in French) Fuite de plus de 2000 personnes de la RCA en RDC

  • Over 2000 people flee the Central African Republic for the DRC over the past week.
  • The refugees consisted of mostly women and children and were recorded in the town of Zongo.
  • They will most likely be relocated to refugee camps in Mole.
  • Refugees fled to escape fighting between rebels and Seleka Anti-Balaka militants.
  • The total number of CAR refugees in the DRC now greatly exceeds over 100,000 people.
6. Ugandan ADF rebels in Beni
Independent/Private media

(L’Observateur, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 8 October 2015, in French) Pendant trois jours : Les  FARDC ont traqué les rebelles ougandais des   ADF à Béni

  • For 3 days, the FARDC hunted Ugandan ADF rebels in Beni, North Kivu.
  • Last July, a clash between the two parties resulted in the use of heavy weapons in Mutata.
  • Military operations are in continuation.
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