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20-26 November 2015

Weekly Media Monitoring report for The Democratic Republic of Congo
Posted on November 27, 2015

Compiled by Caroline Johnpulle

  1. Presidential candidate for 2016 confirmed: André Ntela Tayeye
  2. FARDC and MONUSCO fighting militia groups in the East
  3. UN supports inclusive dialogue with the DRCongo
  4. 5 Civilians killed in Beni by alleged Ugandan rebel group, ADF
1. Presidential candidate for 2016 confirmed: André Ntela Tayeye
Privately-owned media

(Le Potentiel, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 25 November 2015, in French) RD Congo – Présidentielle 2016 : André Ntela Tayeye et L.C.C. affûtent les armes

  • André Ntela Tayeye has confirmed his running in the 2016 presidential election in the DRC.
  • Hailing from Canada, his focus is on what he calls the “Citizen Movement” forming, LCC - the Light of Change in Congo.
  • His professional expertise is in civil and building engineering. 
2. FARDC and MONUSCO fighting militia groups in the East
Privately-owned media

(Le Potentiel, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 26 November 2015, in French) RDC : L’armée congolaise et la Force de la Monusco poursuivent leurs actions contre les groupes armés dans l’Est du pays

  • UN and Congolese forces maintain a strong military presence, on the Mayi-Mayi Simba group and Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), in Upper and Lower Uele.
  • Since November 16, there have been multiple attacks and kidnaps.
  • This has caused a displacement of more than 600 individuals, in the villages of Maha Bafwakoyi and Malamba.


3. 5 Civilians killed in Beni by alleged Ugandan rebel group, ADF
Privately-owned media

(Le Potentiel, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 26 November 2015, in French) RDC-Beni : 5 civils tués dans l’attaque d’une position des FARDC à Mukoko

  • Alleged attack by Ugandan rebel, ADF on Tuesday in Beni in North Kivu (Eastern DRC).
  • 5 civilians were killed by gunfire.
  • There has been increased violence in the area. On Monday, motorcycle cab driver was ambushed and killed on the Mbau Kamango-axis.


4. UN supports inclusive dialogue with the DRCongo
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 26 November 2015, in French) Les Nations Unies soutiennent un dialogue inclusif en RDC

  • The new Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in the DRC, Mom Sidikou Sambo, met in Kinshasa on Wednesday.
  • He said dialogue between MONUSCO and the Congolese authorities are necessary to fight against armed groups to free the country.


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