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6-12 May 2016

Weekly Media Monitoring report for The Democratic Republic of Congo
Posted on June 28, 2016


Compiled by Caroline Johnpulle 

  1. Beni: Governor Julien Paluku examines the recent killings of Eringeti
  2. Ituri: Attack by the ADF, 9 dead
  3. Demand for presence of the FARDC in Ikobo
  4. Rutshuru: 200 arrested for “act of insecurity” in North Kivu


1. Beni: Governor Julien Paluku examines the recent killings of Eringeti
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 6 May 2016 in French) Beni : le Gouverneur Julien Paluku se penche sur les récentes tueries d’Eringeti

  • Beni Governor Julien Paluku establishes the safety of the Provincial Council in Beni.
  • He hopes to better address the security issues, in due of recent killings in the town of Eringeti in Beni.
2. Ituri: Attack by the ADF, 9 dead
Privately-owned media

(Radio-Okapi, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 8 May 2016, in French) Ituri: le bilan de l’attaque des présumés ADF revu à la hausse, 9 morts

  •  Nine people were murdered by the ADF.
  •  The attack took place in Ndalya and Biane in Ituri.


3. Demand for presence of the FARDC in Ikobo
Privately-owned media

(Radio-Okapi, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 11 May 2016, in French) Nord-Kivu: pas de présence militaire à Ikobo

  • FARDC are absent in the area of Ikobo in North Kivu.
  • FDLR rebels occupied the area for five years but last November were removed by the Mai-Mai militia.
  • Locals demand the army to provide protection for the area. 
4. Rutshuru: 200 arrested for “act of insecurity” in North Kivu
Privately-owned media

(Radio-Okapi, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 12 May 2016, in French) Rutshuru: 200 personnes arrêtées pour actes d’insécurité

  • Two hundred people have been detained since May to the central prison of Rutshuru in North Kivu.
  • Arrests have been against breaches of security, pertaining to war crimes and illegal weapons.
  • Since early 2016, members of the Hutu and Nande communities compete in North Kivu, causing deaths in both ethnic groups
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