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24-30 June 2016

Weekly Media Monitoring report for The Democratic Republic of Congo
Posted on July 11, 2016


Compiled by Caroline Johnpulle 

  1. MONUSCO researches the security situation in North Kivu
  2. UNICEF: Report on children in the DRC, decrease in child mortality and education
  3. Ituri: Two dead in attacks by the FRPI in Kiboba


1. MONUSCO researches the security situation in North Kivu    
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 29 Juin 2016 in French) Une mission de la MONUSCO au Nord-Kivu pour s’enquérir de la situation dans le « Grand Nord »

  • A delegation from MONUSCO, led by Deputy Representative for Operations in the East, David Gressly and General Derrick Ngwebi, visited North Kivu from 27 – 28 June.
  • The trip was conducted to inquire on the security situation in the North, to increase protection on civilians. 
2. UNICEF: Report on children in the DRC, decrease in child mortality and education
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 29 Juin 2016 in French) Publication du rapport de l’UNICEF sur « la situation des enfants dans le monde »

  • According to the report, the DRC has experienced a significant reduction (30%) of the mortality of children under five years old.
  • However, millions of children still have no access to school, steadily moving from one in two children in 2001 to more than four in ten children today. 
3. Ituri: Two dead in attacks by the FRPI in Kiboba
Privately-owned media

(Radio-Okapi, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 28 June 2016, in French) Ituri: deux morts lors d’une attaque des miliciens FRPI à Kiboba

  • Militia army, FRPI launched an attack against the Congolese army in the village of Kigoba in the Walendu Bindi (Ituri).
  • Two people are reported dead, including one militia and military soldier.


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