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8-14 July 2016

Weekly Media Monitoring report for The Democratic Republic of Congo
Posted on July 11, 2016


Compiled by Caroline Johnpulle 

  1. Governor of Kinshasa warns reprisal against Indians in case of Cynthia Kadima
  2. Assassin of Cynthia Kadima, not to be released on bail
  3. North Kivu: FARDC kill 2 men wearing old uniforms of the Ugandan army
  4. RDC: Over 2000 violations against human rights in 2016
  5. 17 people abducted by the FRPI in Ituri 
1. Governor of Kinshasa warns reprisal against Indians in case of Cynthia Kadima
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 11 July 2016 in French) Les Kinois appelés à ne pas se faire justice contre les indiens

  • The governor of Kinshasa, Andre Kimbuta Yango called its citizens not to do justice against Indian nationals in retaliation, against the murder of Cynthia Kadima, a native of DRC.
  • She was killed by her husband, an Indian national in New Delhi.
2. Assassin of Cynthia Kadima, not to be released on bail
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 13 July 2016 in French) L’assassin de Cynthia Kadima ne sera pas libéré sous caution, selon l’ambassade de l’Inde en RDC

  • The Indian Embassy in the DRC confirmed that Mr. Rupesh Kumar Mohanani, the assassin of Cynthia Kadima, a Congolese national, killed on July 7 in India, will not be released on bail.
  • There is a special investigation currently following the case.


3. North Kivu: FARDC kill 2 men wearing old uniforms of the Ugandan army
State-owned media

(Agence Congolaise Presse, government-owned news agency, article dated 11 July 2016 in French) Nord-Kivu: les FARDC tuent 2 hommes en armes et uniforme de l’UPDF

  • July 10, the FARDC killed two men who were found to be wearing the old uniform of the Ugandan Army (UPDF).
  • Five others were thrown into the river, and the army recovered two AK47’s.


4. RDC: Over 2000 violations against human rights in 2016
Privately-owned media

(Radio-Okapi, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 13 July 2016, in French) RDC : plus de 2 000 violations de droits de l’homme documentées en six mois

  • The UN recorded 2343 cases of violations of human rights were recorded in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the first half 2016. 
  • The majority were cases of bodily integrity, followed by freedom and security of an individual.
  • There are approximately 390 violations going on each month.
  • Statistics have slightly risen since last year. 
5. 17 people abducted by the FRPI in Ituri
Privately-owned media

(Radio-Okapi, independent/privately-owned newspaper, article dated 13 July 2016, in French)

  • During the night of July 12, 17 people were kidnapped by the FRPI in Ituri.
  • According to the FARDC, they were able to intervene and free some hostages. 
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