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Newsletter - December 2017

December 18, 2017

Source: MIGS


MIGS Digital Fellow, William G.-Chalifoux will serve as a consultant for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, contributing to the development of strategies and programs related to youth and the prevention of violent extremism.

MIGS Latin America Fellow Andrei Serbin was selected for the OCP Policy Center Emerging Leaders program and will be travelling to Marrakesh for the Atlantic Dialogues 2017 meeting. Andrei also participated in the launch of the Argentina G20 Presidency. The event launch can be viewed here


November 7, 2017
 Kyle Matthews and Nicolai Pogadl provided testimony to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Prevention of Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity’s hearings on  “Technology: An emerging field of mass atrocity monitoring and prevention”.

November 9, 2017

MIGS Digital Fellow Dr. André Gagné spoke at the "L'Islam est-il une religion de paix?" conference at Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf.

November 14, 2017

Marie Lamensch gave a presentation on the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan at McGill University. The event was organized by McGill Students for UNICEF and the African Studies Students' Association (ASSA).

November 15, 2017

MIGS Digital Fellows Dr. André Gagné and Marc-André Argentino gave a presentation titled "L’idéologie de la mort et ses représentations dans la propagande du groupe armé état islamique," at the “Colloque Fanatisme et mort, Centre d’expertise et de Formation sur les Intégrismes Religieux et la Radicalisation” at the Cégep Édouard-Montpetit.

November 16, 2017
MIGS Digital Fellow Phil Gurski, gave a presentation on foreign fighters after ISIS at Concordia University

November 21, 2017

MIGS, in partnership with the Burma Task Force Canada and the Chaire Raoul-Dandurand en études stratégiques et diplomatiques (University of Quebec in Montreal), organized the event, Rohingya in Peril: Crisis in Myanmar to explore the ongoing crisis in Myanmar/Burma. Dr. Maung Zarni, a Burmese human rights activist, was the guest speaker.

November 22, 2017

MIGS, in collaboration with the Centre d'études et de recherches internationales (CERIUM) organized an event at the University of Montreal featuring Jacques Semelin, Fannie Lafontaine and Marie Lamensch who addressed the question “Qu’est-ce-qu’un genocide?”.

November 27-28, 2017

MIGS in collaboration with the Parliamentarians for Global Action and the Stanley Foundation convened the Milan Forum for Action on Preventing Violent Extremism and Mass Atrocities, a global initiative which aims to counter violent extremism and to create global democratic consensus in preventing violent extremism and mass atrocities by working with lawmakers from all regions of the world. The forum included presentations by legislators; academics; civil society and UN experts, including Ms. Virginia Gamba, Under-Secretary-General & Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, and Mr. Ivan Simonovic, Assistant-Secretary-General & Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General on the Responsibility to Protect.

December 1-3, 2017

MIGS, in collaboration with Carleton University's School of Journalism and Communication and the Centre for International Governance Innovation hosted Media and mass atrocity: the Rwanda Genocide and Beyond, an international roundtable that hosted speakers such as MIGS’ Senior Distinguished Fellow Roméo Dallaire, Pulitzer prize winning journalist Paul Watson and MIGS Digital Fellow Michael Petrou. The three-day event covered themes such as the role of media in covering mass atrocities and the use of technology in preventing and mapping genocide. All the conference material can be found at

December 3, 2017

Executive Director Kyle Matthews was a panellist at the Canadian Stories: Our Shared Experiences Over 150 Years Conference to discuss Canada’s Role as an International Human Rights Leader.

Michael Petrou - Media and Mass Atrocity: the Rwanda Genocide and Beyond / Copyright: Carleton School of Journalism
Panel Discussion - Media and Mass Atrocity: the Rwanda Genocide and Beyond / Copyright: Carleton School of Journalism
Kyle Matthews / Copyright: Carleton School of Journalism
Roméo Dallaire / Copyright: Carleton School of Journalism
Copyright: Carleton School of Journalism
Milan Forum on Preventing Violent Extremism and Mass Atrocities

In the media 

October 30, 2017

Kyle Matthews appeared on CÉRIUM’s series Planète Terre for the episode “La Somalie face aux Shebabs”.

November 6, 2017

MIGS Digital Fellows, Dr. André Gagné and Marc-André Argentino co-authored "How the Islamic State Uses 'Virtual Lessons' to Build Loyalty" in The Conversation Canada.

November 15, 2017

Dr. André Gagné was interviewed by Al-Jazeera for their article, “Explained: 'Increased Legitimacy’ of Québec's Far-Right"

November 19, 2017

Dr. André Gagné and Marc-André Argentino, published "Les « cours virtuels » de Daech, outils de fidélisation" in The Conversation France.

November 20, 2017

Kyle Matthews was interviewed on Radio Canada International on the topic, “Foreigners with Daesh: Best to Kill or Reintegrate”.

November 20, 2017

Following his talk at MIGS, the institute’s Fellow Phil Gurski was interviewed for LaPresse+ for the article, “Le risque d’un attentat est bien réel, selon un ex-espion”

November 21, 2017

Kyle Matthews and visiting scholar, Dr. Maung Zarni, were featured in Global News’ article, ‘Ethnic cleansing’ against Rohingya in Myanmar should be classified genocide: scholar. Dr. Zarni was also interviewed by La Presse+ during his visit to Montreal.

November 22, 2017

Kyle Matthews appeared on Global News’ Evening News to discuss why Canadians should care about the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar

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