MIGS is pleased to announce the launch of the Digital Fellows Network, which brings together leading experts, academics, diplomats, government officials, journalists and civil society leaders from the US and Canada to cooperatively formulate strategies on countering violent extremism online. The network is part of the North American Working Group to Counter Violent Extremism Online established by MIGS in November 2016 with the generous support of the office of public affairs of the US Embassy to Canada.
On 14 December, MIGS’ Fellow Michael Petrou was awarded the R. James Travers Foreign Corresponding Fellowship. Over the next year Michael Petrou will report on the Syrian conflict and forced displacement. Read more about it in the Ottawa Citizen and the National Post.
iPolitics/Cynthia Munster
On 21 December Opencanada.org issued its annual Twitterati 2016: The Canadian Foreign Policy edition. The twitter accounts of MIGS’ Executive Director Kyle Matthews (@kylecmatthews), MIGS’ Fellow Michael Petrou (@michaelpetrou), and MIGS (@MIGSinstitute) were listed as three of the top Canadian Twitter accounts to follow on the topic of international affairs.
As part the symposium Topographies of Mass Violence and exhibitions by Mexican artist Teresa Margolles and Québec artist Emanuel Licha, MIGS is collaborating with the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal and the Centre interuniversitaire d’études et de recherches autochtones (CIÉRA) on a number of projects on the representation of mass violence in art.
MIGS is giving the opportunity to a federal public servant to integrate its team for one year. The placement is part of the School of Public Policy’s Public Servant-in-Residence Program.
MIGS’ Digital Fellow Marc-André Argentino was hired as Policy Analyst in the Digital Inclusion Lab at Global Affairs Canada. Congratulations!
13 December, MIGS co-signed the letter “For democracy and the Rule of Law, against totalitarianism in Turkey!” together with a large number of members of the European Parliament, parliamentarians, NGOs and individuals.
23 January, MIGS co-signed a letter with over 100 NGOs calling for Russia and Turkey to make humanitarian access and civilian protection a priority of the Syria peace talks in Kazakhstan.
Upcoming Events
On 7 February, MIGS, in partnership with with l’Institut d’études internationales de Montréal (IEIM) at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), will co-host the conference “21st Century Diplomacy: The Challenges and Opportunities Diplomats Face in the Digital Age”. MIGS’ Executive Director will moderate a discussion with Mr. Walter Leuchs, German Consul General to Montreal, and Mr. Ziv Nevo Kulman, Israeli Consul General to Montreal. The conference is a follow-up event to the 5th Global Diplomacy Lab, held in Montréal last November.
On 23 February, 2 – 3.30 PM, MIGS will host historian Günther Jikeli who will discuss "European Muslim Antisemitism. Why Young Urban Males Say They Don't Like Jews." Please register here.
On 16 March, 1- 2.30 PM, MIGS will host Canadian novelist Garry Geddes, who will present his new book “Medicine Unbundled: A Journey Through the Minefields of Indigenous Health Care”. Sign up for the event here.
On 16 March, 5 – 7 PM, MIGS, in partnership with the Canadian International Council Montreal and the Montréal Press Club, will host an event featuring Hugh Segal. Mr. Segal will talk about his new book “Two Freedoms: Canada’s Global Future” and discuss Canada’s place in the world. The event will take place at the university club of Montréal. Registration is mandatory, sign up here.
In the media
31 December
Marie Lamensch was quoted in the article "Nouvelle année, nouvel espoir en Syrie" published in Le Devoir.
2 January
Kyle Matthews appeared on CTV Montreal to discuss “Why Turkish terrorists attack.”
26 January
Kyle Matthews was quoted in ”Obama wrong to lift sanctions” in The Kingston Whig Standard.
31 January
Marie Lamensch spoke to BT Montreal about the violent attack on a Quebec City Mosque shooting and the rise of right-wing extremism.
Kyle Matthews was interviewed by Global TV News about the implications of the shooting at a Quebec City mosque.