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Newsletter - September 2019

September 11, 2019

Source: MIGS


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Recent events

September 10

August 29


In the media

September 9

●     MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article on Forbes titled “Standing with the people of Hong Kong for human rights and democracy”.

●     MIGS Fellow Phil Gurski published a new piece in The Hill Times titled “A lack of trust in security agencies makes us less safe.”

September 5

●     Kyle Matthews was interviewed for an article titled “Ouïghours : au Xinjiang, un lent et silencieux «génocide culturel” published in Libération.

September 2

●     Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “The murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia and the Issue of Corruption in Malta”.

August 28

●     Ewelina Ochab gave a TEDTalk titled “Beyond equality: How should we aid survivors of genocide?” She spoke about a project on human dignity she has been working on called “Human Dignity for Everyone Everywhere”.

August 26

●     Kyle Matthews was interviewed by Global News about “Why accused ISIS war criminals shouldn’t just be one country’s problem – the case for international tribunals”.

●     Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled “State terrorism is making a comeback.”

August 25

●     Kyle Matthews wrote an article for CBC titled “Jihadi Jack shouldn’t be one country's problem. We need an international response.”

August 24

●     Kyle Matthews was interviewed in an episode of The House - CBC Radio titled “The 'Jihadi Jack' debate: Who has a right to come back to Canada?”.

●     MIGS Fellow Andrei Serbin Pont is interviewed for an article titled “Alberto Fernández to break with Macri’s approach to Venezuela crisis, if elected” published by the Buenos Aires Times.

August 22

●     Ewelina Ochab published an article on Forbes titled “Five Reasons The World Needs A Wake-Up Call On Religious Persecution”.

August 21

●     MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article on Forbes titled “Giving the voice to the victims and survivors of terrorism”.

August 19

●     Kyle Matthews was interviewed in the article  “We're doing nothing': Canada could be a leader in handling its foreign fighters, but isn't, say experts” published by National Post.

●     MIGS was mentioned in the CJN article “Montreal should honor Elie Wiesel: city councillor”.

August 18

●     Kyle Matthews was quoted in The Globe and Mail article “Canada criticizes U.K. move to strip ‘Jihadi Jack’ of British citizenship”.

●     Ewelina Ochab published an article on Forbes titled “Nearly two million people in India are to be deprived their citizenship”.

August 15

●     MIGS Fellow Michael Petrou published an article on titled “The high stakes in Hong Kong’s battle for democracy”.

August 12

●     Phil Gurski published a new piece in The Hill Times titled “Why Canada should not be in a hurry to re-embrace Saudi Arabia.”

August 11

●     Youth Fellow Patrick Groeneveld-Meijer published an opinion piece for the CBC titled “There’s no easy path forward in Canada’s dispute with China, but there is a moral one”.

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