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Newsletter - March 2022

March 10, 2022

Source: MIGS


As a member of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI), MIGS supported the Association’s statement calling on the Russian Federation to cease hostilities in Ukraine, and demanded that governments and international organizations take all steps to stop the war and help Ukraine. 

Concordia University featured MIGS John Lemieux Faculty Fellow Liam Maloney’s upcoming work to train students on digital tools to investigate human rights stories. 


February 28

As a member of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI), MIGS supported the Association statement calling on the Russian Federation to cease hostilities in Ukraine, and demanded that governments and international organizations take all steps to stop the war and help Ukraine. 

March 4

MIGS co-signed an open letter calling on the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to  immediately release her office’s report on grave ongoing human rights violations by Chinese Authorities targeting Uyghurs and other Turkic communities.  

Upcoming Events

March 15

MIGS, in partnership with the Principles for Peace, is hosting a stakeholder session on Non State Actors in Stabilization operations. Speakers include MIGS’ Distinguished Senior Fellow Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire, Kyle Matthews, Florian Weigand (Co-Director, Centre for the Study of Armed Groups, ODI), Jeffrey Mapendere (Chief Security Arrangements Advisor Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission), Mubin Shaikh (Counter Extremism Specialist, former security intelligence and counter-terrorism operative), Dr. Anastasia Shesterinina (Department of Politics and International Relations, Sheffield University), and Ezequiel Heffes (Thematic Legal Adviser, Geneva Call). 

March 18

MIGS’ Project Coordinator Marie Lamensch will participate in a conference organized by Global Affair Canada’s Digital Inclusion Lab titled “Le numérique inclusif au service des droits de la personne, de la démocratie et de la diversité culturelle en ligne.” 

March 22 

MIGS, in partnership with the Principles for Peace, is hosting a stakeholder session on Military Actors in Stabilization Operations. Speakers include MIGS’ Distinguished Senior Fellow Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire, Kyle Matthews (Executive Director MIGS), Bruno Charbonneau (Royal Military College Saint-Jean), Major-General Stuart A. Beare and Jamie Shea (Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defense at Friends of Europe and former Deputy Assistant Secretary General for emerging security challenges at NATO).

March 30

Marie Lamensch will participate in the second advisory panel meeting of the Stimson Center new project on digital surveillance and North Korea. Marie has accepted to become one of the six permanent advisors for this 2-year project.

Recent Events

February 17

Kyle Matthews spoke at the “Women leaders on the front line of digital hate and violence” conversation hosted by the Embassy of Canada to France in partnership with the French National Digital Council. 

February 24

MIGS, in partnership with Euromaidan Press and Let My People Go, hosted a Twitter Spaces titled “Ukraine Under Attack: Human Rights under Threat” on the Ukraine Russia Conflict.

February 26-27

MIGS Fellow Dr. Ewelina U. Ochab spoke at the Oxford Forum for International Development. 

March 2

As part of the Canadian Taskforce to Combat Online Antisemitism's podcast series, MIGS’ John Lemieux student Nadia Trudel interviewed Prof. Marlene Grossman, coordinator of Vanier’s Symposium on the Holocaust and Genocide.

MIGS participated in the consultation for the 2022 International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect strategy document.  

March 5

Lt-General Roméo Dallaire and Marie Lamensch attended the fourth meeting of the International Commission on Inclusive Peace in Berlin organized by the Principles for Peace.

March 8

MIGS’ staff met with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Montreal to discuss upcoming collaboration. 

MIGS partnered with the Institute for Economics and Peace and the Canadian Global Affairs Institute for the Canada Launch of the Global Terrorism Index. Speakers included the Honorable Chris Alexander (Former Minister of Immigration and Citizenship and Former Canadian Ambassador to Afghanistan), Michael Collins (Executive Director of the Americas, Institute for Economics and Peace), Dr. Bessma Momani (Senior Fellow, Center for International Governance and Innovation), Kyle Matthews, and Jessica Duque (Institute for Economics and Peace). You can watch the event here

Marie Lamensch joined the Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) for a Twitter Spaces conversation celebrating women activists who are leading the struggle against online gender-based violence. 

March 10 

MIGS, in partnership with the Institute for Economics and Peace and the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, hosted Twitter Spaces chat for the Canada Launch of the Global Terrorism Index. Confirmed speakers include Phil Gurski (Fellow at MIGS), Kyle Matthews (Executive Director MIGS) and Jessica Duque (Institute for Economics and Peace). You can listen to the discussion here

In the Media

February 3

MIGS Fellow Naomi Kikoler co-wrote an article on Forward titled “We can’t fail the Uyghurs as the world failed us”.

February 5

MIGS Fellow Dr. Ewelina U. Ochab wrote an article for Forbes titled “Calls For Atrocity Crimes Against Muslims In India”.

February 9 

Naomi Kikoler was featured in an article published on Glamour titled “Why are People Boycotting the 2022 Winter Olympics?”

February 11

Naomi Kikoler was interviewed by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom in an article titled “The Grim Backdrop to the Beijing Olympics.”

February 13

Dr. Ewelina U. Ochab wrote an article for Forbes titled “Canadian Government To Be Reviewed For Its Response To The Uyghur Genocide” 

February 19

Naomi Kikoler was interviewed by CNN on the human rights violations against the Uyghur in China.

MIGS Fellow Phil Gurski was featured in an article published in the National Post titled “Government won’t elaborate on claims ‘foreign interference’ played role in Freedom Convoy Protests”.

February 20 

Dr. Ewelina U. Ochab wrote an article for Forbes titled “As We Emerge From the Covid-19 Pandemic, We Must Build Back Better.” 

February 21

Phil Gurski published an article in the Ottawa Citizen titled “Canada’s Spies were right about the ‘freedom convoy’”.

February 22

MIGS Fellow Andrei Serbin Pont participated in a Twitter Spaces with the Caracas Chronicles on security and defense of Russia and Venezuela. 

February 23

Phil Gurski was featured in an article in the Ottawa Citizen titled “Today’s letters: Thanks for police professionalism in ending trucker protest”. 

February 24 

Kyle Matthews was interviewed by CJAD a few hours before Russia invaded Ukraine: “Russia and Ukraine are on the Brink of War. Is an all-out Conflict Imminent?”

February 25

MIGS Project Leader Lauren Salim wrote an article for the Human Rights Research Center titled “Urgent Human Rights Protections Needed in Ukraine.”

Andrei Serbin Pont was featured in an article published in Politico titled “ What Does Putin Really Want?”

February 26

MIGS Fellow Mark Kersten wrote an article for Justice in Conflict titled “How Many More Crimes Can Putin Commit Before The World Calls Him a War Criminal”. 

March 1

Lt-General Roméo Dallaire was interviewed by TVA on the war in the Ukraine. 

March 2

MIGS Fellow Fannie Lafontaine co-wrote an article in Le Devoir condemning the war in Ukraine. 

March 4 

Andrei Serbin Pont was featured in an article published by the Caracas Chronicles titled “Venezuela is Just One More Card in Russia’s Geopolitical Game''.

March 7 

Marie Lamensch wrote an article for CIGI titled “Women Activists Lead the Struggle against Online Gender-Based Violence Worldwide.”  

March 8

MIGS project coordinator Marie Lamensch spoke to MidiInfo about the role of women in armed conflict. She also spoke about the subject to Radio-Canada’s Panorama and was featured on Radio-Canada’s Evening News.

MIGS Fellow Diego Osario, participated in the consultative process for the white paper and Compendium “The Future of Environmental Peacebuilding; Nurturing an Ecosystem for Peace” 

Mark Kersten wrote an article on his blog Justice in Conflict titled “States that Neutered the Crime of Aggression have a Special Responsibility to Address War Crimes in Ukraine”. 

March 9

Mark Kersten joined CTV News to discuss the challenges facing the investigation of war crimes and other atrocities in Ukraine. 

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