Troy Klassen at the Humanities Graduate Student Association Conference
Troy Klassen, MA Student in Philosophy, will present a paper at the 2019 Humanities Graduate Student Association Conference, taking place May 21-23 at the MILIEUX Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology, Concordia University. He will appear on the panel "The Politics of Place: Diaspora and Subjectivity" with a paper entitled "Portraits of the Subject-in-Process: Kristeva's Foreigner and Beckett's Unnamable."
He will appear alongside the following panel presentations:
The Limits of Self-Preservation:Relating Adrian Piper’s Artistic Media, Cultural Memory and Identity
Lauren Harnish (MA student in Art History, McGill University)
Le geste curatorial chez Kader Attia : une mise en forme de la recherche
Benoit Jodoin (PhD candidate in Art History at Université du Québec à Montréal / École des hautes études en sciences sociales)
Iranian Women’s Autobiographies: Diasporic Stories of Lives in Uncertainty
Farida Abla (PhD student in Interdisciplinary Humanities, Concordia University)