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Benjamin Marchand Wins Prize for Best Undergraduate Paper

July 15, 2024

Benjamin Marchand

The Department of Philosophy is pleased to announce that Benjamin Marchand, BA Major in Philosophy, is the winner of the 2023-24 Annual Prize for Best Undergraduate Paper for his essay titled "Buridan’s Epistemic Requirements for Demonstration."

Abstract: In his treatise Summulae de Dialectica, John Buridan engages with the Aristotelian tradition and addresses various philosophical problems, including the relationship between demonstration and knowledge. This paper focusses on a particularly challenging passage in Section 8.4.2 of the Summulae, where Buridan grapples with the question of whether possessing a demonstration necessarily entails knowledge of the conclusion.

The nominating professor Dr. Ulf Hlobil writes: "The paper is an interesting exegesis and exploration of an important topic in Buridan, namely his theory of demonstration. The paper is clear, original, and well argued."

The Annual Prize for Best Undergraduate Paper is a merit based student award. It is supported by the Vladimir Zeman Award Fund, established in honour of Professor Emeritus Vladimir Zeman’s longstanding and highly regarded contributions to teaching students in the Department of Philosophy.

Congratulations, Benjamin!

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