November Newsletter Volume II, Issue 1
October 30th, 2015
Volume 2, Issue 1
Dean of Arts and Science André Roy and Department Chair Marlene Sokolon with some of the recipients of the Dean’s Scholar Awards, who have GPA in the top 1%, awarded at the ceremony on October 7th.
Upcoming Events
Nov 2, 4-6:30 pm. H1220. The Department of Political Science and the Faculty of Arts and Science will host a talk by Dr. Pierre Englebert, H. Russell Smith Professor of International Relations at Pomona College. Dr. Englebert’s research focuses on state formation and state decay in Central and West Francophone Africa.
Graduate students Lara Khattab and Shoghig Mikaelian (along with Bassel Salloukh, Rabie Barakat, and Jinan Al-Habbal) recently published a co-authored book titled The Politics of Sectarianism in Postwar Lebanon (Pluto Press).
Guy Lachapelle published a co-edited book (with Philippe J. Maarek) titled Political Parties and the Digital Age (De Gruyter).
Bilodeau. A., and A. Harell. 2015. “Évaluation et défis à venir pour Politique et sociétés: L’opinion des abonnés” Politque et Sociétés. 3-9.
Bilodeau, A. 2015. “Migrating Gender Inequalities? Immigrant Women’s Participation in Political Survey Research.” International Migration Review. Available through Early View (July 14).
Bilodeau, A., and L. Turgeon. 2015. Voter Turnout among Younger Canadians and Visible Minority Canadians Evidence from the Provincial Diversity Project. Report for Elections Canada. June.
Marier, Patrik and Anne-Marie Séguin (2015). “Demography and Aging,” Daniel Béland and Pierre-Marc Daigneault (eds.) Perspectives on Provincial Social Assistance in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pp. 339-352.
Dodds, Graham “‘This Was No Act of God’: Disaster, Causality, and Politics” Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy (Volume 6, Issue 2).
Dodds, Graham “Contextualizing the Call for Methodological Attention in American Political Development” in CLIO: Newsletter of Politics & History (Vol. 24, Issue 2).
MPPPA graduate Vincent Hopkins, who is now pursuing a PhD at Simon Fraser University, published an article titled “Institutions, Incentives, and Policy Entrepreneurship” in Policy Studies Journal (Published online on Sep. 30, DOI: 10.1111/psj.12132).
Recent Presentations/Events
Several faculty members presented papers at this year’s APSA meeting in San Francisco:
Elizabeth Bloodgood, “INGO Centralization and Survival.”
Kimberley Manning, “The Party Family in Revolutionary China: A Comparative Framework of Analysis.”
Amy Poteete, “In Search of Clientelism in African Voting Behavior.”
Marlene Sokolon, “It’s all in the Argument: The Agōn in Euripides and Deliberative Democracy.”
Graham Dodds, “Loud Bark, Little Bite: Barack Obama’s Unilateral Presidential Directives.”
Other Presentations
Ceren Belge participated in a roundtable titled "Legal Mobilization and Judicial Activism in Turkey: Transformations in Regime-Judiciary Relations” at Bilgi University in Istanbul on June 23. The Roundtable was oriented to legal professionals in Turkey, and a video of the event was posted on Youtube.
Antoine Bilodeau, L. Turgeon, S. A. Henderson and S. White. presented the key note plenary session: “Quebec, Immigration and Ethnic Diversity: Reflections on Minority Nations and Ethnic Diversity” at the European Consortium for Political Research General Meeting, Montreal. August 28th.
Kimberley Manning gave an invited talk, “Authoritarian Attachments: Party Families and the Gendered Origins of Chinese State Power,” on September 17, 2015 at McGill University, Montréal.
Graham Dodds gave a teaching workshop on “Grading and Giving Students Feedback” on October 6. The workshop was organized by Concordia’s Centre for Teaching & Learning and GradProSkills (GPS).
Kimberley Manning gave an invited talk, “Attachment Politics and the Rights of The Trans* Child,” at Gender, Typicality and Development: A Multidisciplinary Conference and Webinar, Concordia University, October 16, 2015.
Recent Department Talks and Workshops
The Department and the Workshops on Social Science Research (WSSR) hosted the panel: Election 2015: What does it all mean? This post-election event was moderated by Paul Wells the political editor of Maclean’s Magazine and included three media panelists Ian Capstick (MediaStyle), John Duffy (StrategyCorp), and Tim Powers (Summa Strategies). and three academics Dr. Brooke Jeffrey (Concordia University), Dr. Richard Johnston (University of British Columbia), and Dr. Lawrence LeDuc (University of Toronto) On October 26, 2015. This event was televised live by CPAC and can be watched at:
The Department hosted The Inaugural Address in the Human Rights Lecture Series with a brown bag by guest lecturer Des Gasper, who spoke about Human Security and Human Rights on October 1, 2015.
The Department hosted a talk by Anirudh Krishna titled “Mapping Urban Poverty in Developing Countries: Studying Slums and Identifying Slum Types in Bangalore, India” on October 21, 2015.
The Department hosted a brown bag lecture given by Matt Qvortrup, titled “The Effects of Referendums: Peace, Prosperity and Good Governance” on October 27, 2015.
The Department hosted a talk by David Aubin from the Université catholique de Louvain entitled “In-house policy work in French Belgium: Dow do civil servants contribute to public polies” on October 27th.
Jeremy Speight accepted a tenure-track position in the Department of Political Science at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks.
Graduate Student Vindya Seneviratne was the recipient of this year’s Leo Tavormina Memorial Entrance Bursary.
Dónal Gill passed his comprehensive examinations in Comparative Politics and Political Theory.
Csaba Nikolenyi was awarded a Lady Davis Visiting Professorship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem during the 2015-6 academic year. During his visit Dr. Nikolenyi will research the politics of party switching in the Knesset.
Kimberley Manning has been appointed the Principal of the Simone de Beauvoir Institute and Women’s Studies. She will take up her position in January 2016, after returning from her sabbatical leave.
The Department congratulates all of the Fall 2015 Graduates !
Sixty-Nine BA in Political Science were awarded during Convocation on October 27. Ten of our undergraduate students graduated with distinction : Antoinio Gitto, Marie-Laurence Goyette, Nneka Johnson, Kristopher Kernick, Emily Lynch, Sergio Andres Paier, Isaac Jason Paonessa, Amelie Saint-Pierre, Michael Taylor and Emily Elizabeth Warren.
Two MPPPA students, Benjamin Hayes and Marian Delphine Revelli, also received their Masters degree.
Congratulations to all our students named 2014-2015 Arts and Science scholars : Jin Jin, Alexandre St-Onge Perron, Emily Lynch, Charlotte Vida Baigent, Thomas Furnivall Harrison, Yann Grand-Clément, Cason Sharpe, Yasmine Chiter, Sarra Azouz, Bryndann Jennings, Simon Newman-Bachand, Diane Tamalet, Christian Holloway and Katherine Bozek.
Leander Schneider received the Pineapple Prize for winning a half marathon in Mauritius.
Media Appearances
Mireille Paquet was named Concordia’s newsmaker of the week for October 1st, for her many media appearances concerning the Canadian federal election. Dr. Paquet appeared on CTV, the CBC, The Globe and Mail, the Winnipeg Free Press, the Halifax Chronicle Herald, the Huffington Post, and various other media outlets.
Brooke Jeffrey appeared on numerous TV and radio programs during the election campaign, including a panel on CBC's The Current.
Brooke Jeffrey published an article on “A Distorted Image of Liberals and the Public Service” in Policy Options (Special Election Edition) on September 9th.
Brooke Jeffrey had an editorial published in the Winnipeg Free Press on September 19th discussing the rationale behind Stephen Harper's response to the Syrian refugee crisis.
Antoine Bilodeau published “Know where, when and the ways to vote. But have opinions as well!” in Elections Canada blog (Canada’s Democracy Week. Let’s Get Canada Ready to Vote).
Guy Lachapelle co-authored an article in the Montreal Gazette on September 22 about the quality of the federal party leaders’ French.
Graham Dodds was interviewed live on CJAD radio about Donald Trump and the other Republican presidential candidates on July 23 and September 12.
Kimberley Manning wrote an op-ed (with Robert Leckey) in the Montreal Gazette, September 9, 2015: “One More Hurdle for Transgender Youth.”
Theses and Internship Defenses
Congratulation to Jhaal Fergus who successfully defended his Internship Report titled “Building Blind: Applying Agenda Building to Seniors Policy” on September 8th, 2015 under the Supervision of Dr. Patrik Marier, second reader Dr. Marcel Danis, and Chaired by Dr. Mireille Paquet.
Congratulations to Ben Hayes who successfully defended his Internship Report titled: “Canada’s Implementation of the International Ballast Water Convention: Unexpected Delays and the Role of External Actors” on September 8th, 2015 under the Supervision of Dr. Brooke Jeffrey, second reader, Dr. Maben Poirier, and Chaired by Dr. Stephanie Paterson.
And Welcome!
Justin Park has joined the department in September (until June 2016) as an Independent Fulbright Scholar to work with Antoine Bilodeau on immigrant integration in Quebec.
Dr. Antoine Rayroux has joined the department as a limited term appointment. He graduate from the Université de Montréal and Université libre de Bruxelles (2013). He will contribute to our offerings in Comparative Politics and International Relations, especially with regard to European Politics.
Dr. Ryan McKinnell has joined the department as a limited term appointment. He graduated from Carleton University (2015) and specializes in history of political thought and comparative politics.
And Welcome back – Patricia MacFarlane is back at the front desk!