The Department of Political Science’s Human Rights Lecture Series presents:
Radha D’Souza, Professor, University of Westminister; Visiting Scholar, McGill University Law School
What’s Wrong with Rights? Social Movements, Law and Liberal Imaginations
Thursday, April 12, 2018
5:30 pm
Henry F. Hall Building, room 1220
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Dr. Radha D’Souza teaches international public law at the Universtiy of Westminister, UK. She has worked as an organizer and activist lawyer for labour movements, democratic rights and social justice movements in the Asia-Pacific region. As a legal scholar, she has written extensively on the politics and of human rights and on social justice issues in non-Western countries. Her latest book, What’s Wrong with Rights? Social Movements, Law and Liberal Imaginations, was recently released by Pluto Press. Dr. D’Souza is currently in Montreal as a Visiting Scholar at McGill University’s Law School.
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