Nancy R. Tapias Torrado is the 2023-24 Barry Pashak Postdoctoral Fellow in Social Justice
Welcome to Dr. Nancy R. Tapias Torrado, the Social Justice Centre’s 2023-24 Barry Pashak Postdoctoral Fellow.
She is a Colombian human rights lawyer and doctor in Sociology at Oxford. She worked for almost a decade with Amnesty International as a researcher on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders in the Americas.
Her research focuses on the impact of social movement organizations led by Indigenous women on the practice of corporate actors involved in mega-projects in the Americas.
Nancy received the Best Human Rights Dissertation Award from the International Studies Association (ISA) for her Ph.D. thesis: “Indigenous Women Leading the Defense of Human Rights from the Abuses by Mega-Projects in Latin America, in the Face of Extreme Violence” (2020).
She will be giving a talk on Thursday, October 12 (12:30-13:30) at McGill: Braiding actions: Wet’suwet’en women leading the defense of the Yintah from abuses committed in connection with megaprojects.
She was interviewed by Cynthia Hammond on 4th Space Podcast: listen to the interview on Youtube or on Soundcloud.
Nancy recently published two open access articles:
"Indigenous women leading the defense of human rights from abuses related to mega-projects: Impacting corporate behavior — overcoming silencing practices," Revue québécoise de droit international / Quebec Journal of International Law / Revista quebequense de derecho internacional, special issue, june 2022.
'“Overcoming Silencing Practices: Indigenous Women Defending Human Rights from Abuses Committed in Connection to Mega-Projects: A Case in Colombia,” Business and Human Rights Journal, 7(1), 29-44, 2022.
See her profile on our website.