Centraide Campaign 2012
Each year, pasta luncheons are held to raise funds for the Concordia Centraide campaign (United Way outside Quebec). For $10, Concordians can get a full pasta lunch and every dime goes to Centraide of Greater Montreal.
The menu consists of spaghetti pasta with a meat sauce or tomato sauce, Parmesan cheese, chili peppers, bread roll and butter, Caesar salad, juices and assorted soft drinks and a slice of cake.
When: Thursday, November 1, 2012, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: Abe and Harriet Gold Atrium of the Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex (1515 Ste-Catherine St. W.), Sir George Williams Campus
The luncheon is open to all members of the Concordia University community.
Visit the Concordia Centraide campaign homepage.