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New Mini Course for Engineers

Following the success of the first series of Mini Courses for Engineers during the month of March, and to meet demand from engineers, the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science has decided to continue the program. We have also received news that the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) will allow those engineers who have not already completed their required hours of professional development to proceed to do so before May 31, a special extension of the March 31 deadline.

The Faculty has a brand new course scheduled for Saturday April 13. Details are below. News about any additional course offerings will be sent to Concordia alumni and shared on the Faculty website.

Speaking for Clarity for Engineers
This course will familiarize students with strategies for effective oral communication in engineering practice.
Time: 9:00am to 5:30pm, Saturday April 13, 2013
Location: EV3.309, 1515 Ste. Catherine St. W., Montreal

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