Amir Asif, the new Dean of the Faculty, became a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Asif holds a PhD and a Master of Science in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. His research specifically focuses on distributed detection in sensor networks, robust detection and imaging with special emphasis on bioimaging and cancer visualization by time reversal, signal processing on graphs and analytics for Big Data, and transcoding framework for high-definition video transcoding for multimedia communications.
New Faculty
Meet some of the new faculty members to have joined Concordia since summer 2014.
Bruno Lee is a new Assistant Professor in the Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering. He graduated from Concordia with a BEng in building engineering. He completed an MSc in architectural engineering from Pennsylvania State University, and a PhD from the Department of the Built Environment at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. He investigates how to holistically employ computational simulation techniques to evaluate the energy performance of buildings so as to facilitate building design decisions based on objective and data driven reasoning to ensure robust building design.
Fuzhan Nasiri has joined the Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering as an Assistant Professor. He completed his BSc and MSc at the Sharif University of Technology in Iran, and his PhD in environmental systems engineering at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan. He also has a post-doctoral certificate from Yale University. Nasiri uses systems modelling, simulation and optimization techniques to address energy sustainability problems in a holistic fashion. He describes his research as being at the intersection of systems engineering and sustainability science.
Emad Shihab is joining the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering as Assistant Professor. He holds a BEng and MEng in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Victoria and a PhD in computer science from Queen’s University. His research interests are in mining software repositories, software quality assurance, software maintenance, empirical software engineering, mobile applications and software architecture. He mines historical project data and applies data mining, artificial intelligence and statistical analysis techniques in order to build pragmatic solutions that maximize software quality.
Hassan Rivaz became Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering this summer. He received his BSc from Sharif University of Technology, Iran, holds an MSc from University of British Columbia, and earned his PhD at Johns Hopkins University. His research is on medical imaging and image processing, which has resulted in several high impact publications and patents. He is also interested in signal processing, machine learning, computer vision, statistics, optimization and linear algebra.
Krzysztof Skonieczny is joining the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as an Assistant Professor and is nominated for a Canada Research Chair Tier II in Aerospace Robotics. He has a BASc and MAsc from the University of Toronto and a PhD from Carnegie Mellon University. His research expertise is in space robotics, especially rovers. He was principal investigator on a NASA-funded program on lightweight robotic excavation, and has also worked with space technology company MDA on control systems for space robots.