Call for nominations: ENCS Awards in Teaching Excellence
The ENCS Award for Teaching Excellence is given to motivate, recognize and reward excellence in teaching. Awards are given in the following categories:
- Sustained Excellence in Teaching - awarded to a full-time faculty member (tenured, ETA or LTA).
- Leadership and Innovation in Teaching - awarded to a full-time faculty member (tenured, ETA or LTA).
- Excellence in Teaching by a Junior Faculty Member - awarded to a full-time faculty member (tenured, ETA or LTA).
- Excellence in Teaching by a Part-Time Professor - awarded to a part-time faculty member.
- Excellence in Teaching by a Teaching Assistant - awarded to a teaching assistant.
Nominations are due Friday, March 4, 2016.
Nomination form for faculty members (tenured, ETA, LTA and part-time).
Nomination form for teaching assistants.
Tenured faculty members, ETAs and LTAs, who have taught at least ten course sections in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science in the last five years are eligible to be nominated in categories (i) Sustained Excellence and (ii) Leadership and Innovation in Teaching.
Tenure-track faculty members, ETAs in their first contract, and LTAs, who have taught at least seven course sections are eligible to be nominated in category (iii) Excellence in Teaching by a Junior Faculty Member.
Part-time faculty members who have 24 seniority credits or more are eligible to be nominated in category (iv) Excellence in Teaching by a Part-Time Professor.
Teaching assistants who have taught at least 4 tutorial sections or lab sections in different courses in the past two years are eligible to be nominated in category (v) Excellence in Teaching by a Teaching Assistant. Up to three awards will be given each year.
Winners of the ENCS Teaching Excellence Award are not eligible to be nominated for five years after receiving the award.
Criteria for Faculty Members
Excellence in teaching. Evidence could include teaching evaluations, descriptions of course development initiatives, descriptions of effective teaching strategies, development of course notes, laboratories, assignments, and projects, unsolicited and solicited letters from colleagues and students, impact on student career and life, and any other evidence relevant to teaching excellence.
Sustained commitment to the improvement in teaching. Evidence could include documentation on course or curriculum development, activities with teaching/learning committees or programs, work on special projects related to teaching and learning; any other evidence related to teaching improvement.
Innovation in the development of teaching materials and approach. Evidence could include innovations in classroom presentation, in teaching materials such as course notes, in laboratory experiments, homework or project assignments, in teaching methods, and any other evidence demonstrating innovative teaching methods.
Leadership in teaching. Evidence could include the introduction of new courses, new options in a program or new programs, the promotion of teaching methods and innovations inside the faculty and to the community at large, textbooks, papers, newsletters, and other publications on University teaching, and any other evidence of educational leadership.
Criteria for Teaching Assistants
Evidence of excellence in teaching could include endorsements from students in tutorials and/or labs attesting to the excellence of the instruction provided by the teaching assistant. A support letter from the professor in charge of the course or the full-time lab instructor in charge of the lab can be included for each tutorial or lab. Other evidence might include teaching materials prepared by the tutor in support of the course, and whatever else supports the case for excellence in teaching.