Seminar by Dr. Daniel German (University of Victoria)
Speaker: Dr. Daniel M. German
University of Victoria
Title: Disruptive technology: how git is spreading beyond software development
Date: Wednesday, August 17th, 2016
Time: 11AM
Place: EV 3.309
Due in part to Web services build around git, such as github and gitorious, git is becoming pervasive in software development. In this presentation I will describe our work trying to understand the impact of git (and github). I will describe a study of 3 years on how the Linux developers and those using the Linux kernel collaborate and coordinate using more than 600 different git repositories. I will also describe several empirical studies we have performed on Github repositories and gists that show that Github (and by extension git) is being used in novel and unexpected ways.
Daniel M. German is Professor in the Department of Computer Science atthe University of Victoria, where he does research in the areas of mining software repositories, open source software engineering, and
intellectual property.