Seminar by Mohamed El-Shafei (Concordia University)
Speaker: Mohamed El-Shafei (Data-driven Analysis of Software Lab, Concordia University)
Title: A Brief Introduction to Neural Networks
Place: EV2.260
Time: 10:30am
Date: Friday, 23rd November 2018
Inspired by the brain, neural networks (NN) are state of the art for
many machine learning problems such as pattern recognition,
classification, prediction...etc. Here, we present a brief introduction
to the neural network. Then, we demonstrate the common architectures of
neural networks. Also, we demonstrate how a neuron works and
contributes to the network. Then, we explain how a problem can
determine the properties for a proper neural network. Finally, a glance
on some open source software library which used for machine learning
applications such as neural networks.
Mohamed El-Shafei received his B.Eng. in Computer Engineering from the American University of Kuwait in 2013 and his M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Kuwait University in 2016. Currently, he is a graduate student in Software Engineering at Concordia University working towards his Ph.D. degree. Also, he is working as a research assistant at Data-driven Analysis of Software Lab, Concordia University, under the supervision of Associate Professor, Emad Shihab. El-Shafei's search interest spins around artificial intelligence and data analysis. Website: