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Doctoral Seminar: Ming Zhu

April 9, 2015

Speaker: Ming Zhu

Supervisors: Drs. P. Grogono, O. Ormandjieva

Examining Committee: Drs. J. Bentahar, J. Paquet, F. Szabo

Title: A Categorical Framework for Process-Oriented Languages

Date: Thursday, April 9, 2015

Time: 10:15 a.m.

Place: EV 3.309


The research of recent years has shown that process-oriented programming languages provide a suitable means for developing concurrent systems. However, in the development of a concurrent system, there is a challenge to manage consistency between design and implementation. To deal with such a challenge, we resort to abstraction with the goal of providing a categorical framework for formally designing, implementing, and verifying consistency of concurrent systems that are developed with process-oriented programming languages.

In this report, we introduce and compare different process algebra, as well as that of process-oriented languages. This enables us to converge on the Communicating Sequential Processes(CSP) and Erasmus for designing and implementing concurrent systems. Besides, to analyze concurrent systems, we derive semantics of design and implementation based on CSP, Erasmus and Temporal Logic. Furthermore, we introduce category theory as a formal means for modeling design and implementation of concurrent systems. Finally, we outline the categorical approaches for verifying consistency of communications in design against implementation.

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