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Dr. Anjali Awasthi: Keys to the Success of the Samuel-de-Champlain Bridge

Dr. Anjali Awasthi, a researcher in the area of city logistics, smart cities, and sustainable mobility, recently contributed to Le Devoir with a timely article about the new Samuel-de-Champlain bridge which has just been inaugurated.

While citizens have anxiously awaited this unveiling, Dr. Awasthi asks "to what extent will the design of the new Montreal bridge meet the requirements of the next century?". According to forecasts, by 2021, some 11 million public transport users will cross the bridge each year. 

In order to solve the eternal problem of road congestion and ensure sustainable mobility in Montreal, the Samuel-de-Champlain bridge must meet several key conditions. 

You can view the entire article in Le Devoir here.

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