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Call for Submissions - Concordia Undergraduate Journal of Art History, Volume X

January 1, 2013

The Concordia Undergraduate Journal of Art History is a student-run annual publication that aims to showcase the talents of Concordia University's undergraduate Art History and Fine Arts students. CUJAH is composed of an executive committee of editors, copy editors, and feature writers and is assisted by faculty members of the Department of Art History. As a journal, we strive for academic excellence. Since 2004-2005, CUJAH has committed to featuring the best academic writing from students in the Faculty of Fine Arts.

The call for academic essays to be included in Volume X is currently open. Work may be submitted from any student so long as it has been written for a course offered by Concordia University's Faculty of Fine Arts and has received a grade of A or A+. There is no minimum or maximum length for submissions and both French and English essays will be considered.

The deadline for submissions is December 22, 2013. The selection process will take place in early January. Essays can be submitted online via the submission form.

Please be sure to read the submissions guidelines first. In order to be eligible, papers must be submitted in a PDF document that does not contain the author's name.

We encourage interested applicants to also submit a paper to the 3rd Annual Undergraduate Art History Conference (Theme: Art and the Digital). Students may submit (the same, or separate papers) to both the conference and the journal.

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